Erdogan appears his sympathizer with Gaza, neglecting his barbaric shelling on NE, Syria

As the Turkish president appears his sympathizer and sheds tears at Gaza residents, and his authorities' officials speak of "war crimes" committed there, his forces and their mercenaries continue to commit the same crimes in Syria, Iraq, Libya and other countries, and trade between Ankara and Tel Aviv is increasing, showing Turkish hypocrisy in its clearest form.

Erdogan appears his sympathizer with Gaza, neglecting his barbaric shelling on NE, Syria
3 December 2023   06:44

The Turkish president and his authorities' officials continue to use the Palestinian cause to dissuade Arab and Islamic public opinion, after Ankara failed to play the role of mediation between Hamas and Israel, with Erdogan stating in his remarks that "Israel commits crimes against humanity in Gaza", while Turkey's Foreign Minister stated, most recently yesterday, that "barbaric Israeli attacks on Gaza are war crimes."

Erdogan and his authorities searched for a role

With the beginning of the escalation between Hamas and Israel, Turkey has put itself forward as a mediator. However, the warring parties were not interested in these offers, because of what the Israeli and Western circles described Turkey as an impartial and unreliable mediator. The decline in their support for Hamas during the period following the Turkish-Egyptian-Gulf reconciliation reflected Turkey.

As a result, the Turkish authorities are trying to balance attacking Israel with the aim of attracting Arab and Islamic public opinion and again influencing Hamas, presenting political initiatives to Israel and the West, and aspiring to play a role in what is being talked about regarding the formation of a regionally and internationally supported Gaza administration, where they put forward the so-called "guarantor formula" to be a guarantor of Hamas an agreement.

High statements that do not affect economic relations

Despite these statements, which many observers have described as resembling "crocodile tears", their officials continue to maintain diplomatic and economic relations with Israel, where their tankers sail at sea, loaded with crude oil, fuel and steel and docked at Israel's ports.

According to numerous reports, Ankara is increasing the volume of bilateral trade between the two countries to $15 billion. The number of Israeli tourists in Turkey also rose to more than 631 thousand, up five and a half times over the previous year.

In 2022, the Israeli Ministry of Transport said that Israel and Turkey would expand bilateral aviation traffic, under a new aviation agreement, their first since 1951.

One of the most prominent agreements between the parties in recent months has been the announcement of an agreement to transport Israeli gas through Turkish territory as an alternative to the "Eastmead" line through Greek and Cypriot territory, and Turkey has concluded agreements with Israel for joint gas exploration in the Mediterranean.

A criminal talking about stopping crimes!

At a time when Erdogan and his Government are talking about the need to stop war crimes in Gaza, his forces are involved in committing many war crimes in Syria and many countries in the region, and continue their crimes, which we will list below.

In order to thwart Kurdish endeavours in Northern Kurdistan to achieve their legitimate rights, the Turkish authorities declared war on them, resulting in the destruction of several cities and the damage of 11 cities and 49 areas, including Sur, Hikari, Shirnakh, Jazzir, Nissabin, Hazakh, Derik, Kafr, Kamm and Varken, due to the Turkish occupation army's ground and air attacks.

At least 1 million and 809,000 people living in these areas have been affected, and at least 500 thousand have been forcibly abandoned due to destruction.

72% of Sur's historic neighbourhoods have been destroyed, using heavy guns and aircraft, and the curfew has been in place for 7 years, deliberately obliterating the history and identity of the city and destroying its identity, which is the heritage of Kurds, Armenians, Syriacs, and other races.

3,569 buildings, including mosques, churches and schools, were destroyed, according to a report by the Federation of Turkish Engineers' and Architects' Chambers.

The Turkish army demolished 70% of the Kurdish city of Shirnakh, and 7 major neighbourhoods were completely destroyed, with an offensive that continued until spring 2016 displacing more than half a million Kurds.

The United Nations Human Rights Office said in a report issued in March 2017 that entire neighbourhoods in the town of Nissabin had been flattened.

594 civilians were martyred and 437 injured, including 45 children under the age of 18, according to the Human Rights Association (IHD), and according to other reports from the Peoples' Democratic Party lists, some 700 civilians were martyred within 12 months.

The Turkish occupation army not only committed these heinous crimes in the Northern Kurdistan, attacked the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries on January 20, 2018, Afrin canton, and on the 18 of March it was occupied, during which more than 350 thousand residents of Afrin were forcibly abandoned.

According to human rights organization Afrin-Syria, Turkey's occupation over five years of occupation (2018-2023) abducted some 8,334 citizens, including more than 430 women, 153 children, and killed 690 citizens, including 95 women, and dozens of children.

On November 9, 2019, the Turkish occupation and mercenary attacked the city of Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi/Tal Abyad and its occupation, and for four years, killed 59 civilians, including 5 women, and arrested 592 others, including 73 women, and 53 children and girls, according to a statistic from the "Tazar" Association of Victims.

The Association documented the detention of 163 persons, who had been forcibly disappeared, as their families were still unaware of their fate, while 492 persons were subjected to torture in detention centres run by "pro-Turkish mercenaries" in Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi/Tal Abyad, including at least 6 detainees who had died under torture.

At least 79 explosions occurred in the areas of Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi/Tal Abyad, which killed at least 146 civilians, including women and children, and more than 300 wounded, as well as 65 cases of mercenary infighting that killed at least 5 civilians and wounded more than 36 others, according to as documented by Tazar, 11 people were killed, who were liquidated by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenary.

At least 300 thousand inhabitants forcibly abandoned the area and were replaced by strangers, including women and children of mostly Iraqi ISIS mercenaries, in the context of making demographic change in the area.

The Turkish occupation army used international proscribed weapons as "white phosphorus".

In 2019, Amnesty International said there was compelling evidence of war crimes and other violations committed by Turkey's occupying forces and mercenaries in Syria. In 2020, United Nations investigators alerted Ankara that Ankara might face "criminal responsibility" for war crimes committed in northern Syria.

At a time when Erdogan and Turkish state officials condemn attacks on hospitals in Gaza "His forces destroyed many infrastructure, houses of worship, schools and health centres in North and East Syria. The coronavirus hospital in the city of Kobani was completely destroyed and transformed into a mass of rubble and ruin on November 19, 2022.

In a final statistic, the AANES revealed during a press conference on 18 October that the Turkish occupation state had targeted 104 sites, installations and centres; Includes petrol, electricity and water stations, carrying out 580 air and land strikes from the extreme Deirk to al-Shahba, from 5 to 9 October.

T/ Satt.