Demand of liberation is present and transmitted from grandparents to grandchildren

The IDPs of Afrin are facing the policies of the Turkish occupation state and the Damascus government aimed at dispersing their struggle and their insistence on liberating their land and returning to it, by forming the Afrin Liberation Forces and transferring the legacy of their ongoing resistance to the new generation to complete this path until its goals are achieved.

Demand of liberation is present and transmitted from grandparents to grandchildren
Demand of liberation is present and transmitted from grandparents to grandchildren
Demand of liberation is present and transmitted from grandparents to grandchildren
Demand of liberation is present and transmitted from grandparents to grandchildren
Demand of liberation is present and transmitted from grandparents to grandchildren
Demand of liberation is present and transmitted from grandparents to grandchildren
Demand of liberation is present and transmitted from grandparents to grandchildren
Demand of liberation is present and transmitted from grandparents to grandchildren
20 January 2024   07:45

Despite all the life difficulties and attacks faced by the IDPs of Afrin, occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries, their resistance and insistence over the past 6 years still exists, through their insistence on returning to their city after its liberation.

In this report, we review the methods of resistance adopted by the forcibly displaced people of Afrin to withstand all the obstacles that aim to disperse their struggle that preserves their right to return to the land of their ancestors on which they grew up, by participating in the formation of the Afrin Liberation Forces, and organizing themselves according to the revolutionary people’s war, to achieve the desired goal of liberation.

The forcibly displaced people of Afrin are distributed among 5 camps, namely (Barkhadan, Al-Awda, Afrin, Al-Shahba, and Sardam), in addition to others spread in 42 villages and towns belonging to Shahba, which together with the occupied city of Afrin constitute the Afrin and Shahba Canton.

TOLA ME BERYARA ME YE” With this phrase said by Leader Ocalan, one of the IDP of occupied Afrin chose to write it on the outer insulation of his tent located in Sardam camp, as a way to keep forgetfulness away from his imagination, and to always remind him, the necessity of continuing the resistance as a decision, until the land is liberated and returned to it.

According to the circumstances dictated by the stage, the IDPs of Afrin are working to adopt all methods, both short- and long-term, to cling to the land and not forget the task entrusted to them in achieving liberation.

Citizen Ali Ahmed, in his sixties, indicated that he keeps telling stories about his village, “Jalama,” occupied Afrin, and the resistance whose epics were written for 58 days against the occupation, to his grandchildren; So that it remains firmly established in their imagination, and does not leave it.

Ali Ahmed stressed that those who will liberate Afrin are its people, and therefore the Afrin Liberation Forces, which are made up of the IDPs of the region, are the effective force that has been working for years to strike the positions of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries, so that they do not find a haven for stability in the occupied areas located in northern Syria.

Citizen Ali Ahmed pointed out that there is a spiritual link between them and their clinging to their city of Afrin, which humiliates all the conspiracies being hatched against them, whether by the occupation army, which has always bombed the area and destroyed most of the villages in Shahba, or the Damascus government, which is now fighting the people for their livelihood by imposing a siege via preventing the entry of materials into Afrin, Shahba, and Sheikh Maqsoud.

HRE resistance forces that represent the will of the IDPs

In turn, citizen Olfat Ali Barko said that the attacks carried out by the Turkish occupation state on Afrin made the people turn to formulating their resistance within forces to return to occupied Afrin after its liberation, namely the Afrin Liberation Forces, as one of the forms of resistance to the occupation adopted by the IDPs.

The Afrin Liberation Forces, formed from the IDPs of the city of Afrin and who insist on returning to their ancestral lands in occupied Afrin, revealed the outcome of their operations against the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries during the past year 2023, which included:

Implementing a total of 34 specific operations in the cities of (Afrin, Azaz, Mare’, and Al-Bab) and other occupied cities located in northern Syria.

3 policemen and 19 soldiers were killed, and 32 soldiers and 6 policemen were wounded.

70 mercenaries were killed and 58 mercenaries were wounded.

13 Kalashnikov AK-47 rifles and their magazines, 3 BKC rifles with their chains, 2 B7 rifles, 4 bombs, 3 phones and 2 mercenary IDs were confiscated.

Destroying 5 enemy positions, an ammunition store, a Mobiz camera, a night thermal camera, 6 motorcycles, 6 vehicles, a Scorpion armored vehicle, and a truck.

Shooting down a drone belonging to the occupation and its mercenaries.

Last year, 12 fighters from the Afrin Liberation Forces were martyred during operations carried out against the invaders and to deter enemy attacks.

The forces renewed their promise, based on commitment and determination.

The siege and attacks will not prevent us from moving forward in ending the occupation

Olfat said that the coincidence of the siege imposed on the 2 neighborhoods with the increase in the frequency of Turkish occupation attacks on Afrin and Shahba Canton aims to disperse the resistance of the IDPs from Afrin, empty the region to silence the voices demanding the return of the displaced to their land after its liberation, and change the demographics of the region forever.

Olfat emphasized at the end of her speech that, although the tents do not protect them from the cold of winter or the heat of summer, the hope of returning to occupied Afrin keeps them in their pledge to continue the resistance until they reach their goal of ending the occupation.

The demands of about 300,000 IDPs from the occupied city of Afrin remain valid and ongoing, out of their belief in their resistance, more than 6 years after the occupation of their areas, with many parties conspiring to abort the right of return, which is contingent on ending the occupation, and international powers remaining silent at a time when the intersection of interests overshadowed the voice of consciences.
