Damascus government intelligence carries out arrests in Mezzeh

The so-called Intelligence Branch of the Damascus government forces arrested four people, one of them a non-commissioned officer, against the backdrop of the Israeli attack on the Mezzeh area in Damascus.

Damascus government intelligence carries out arrests in Mezzeh
21 January 2024   21:21

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the attack left 12 dead, including 5 Iranians, including 3 leaders in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, 4 Syrians contracting with the factions loyal to Iran, two Lebanese, and an Iraqi.

The Observatory indicated that the targeted building is located within a security zone in the Mezzeh Villat neighborhood in the capital, Damascus, and it is one of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard buildings in the area. Leaders from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the Islamic Jihad Movement, and the Lebanese Hezbollah also live in the neighborhood.

In light of the attack, the Damascus government's security services have arrested 4 people so far in an arrest campaign, one of whom is a non-commissioned officer.

Iran threatened Israel to respond to the attack at the appropriate time and place, and described the attack as destabilizing the security and stability of the region.
