DAA congratulates Syriac-Assyrian people on Akito

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria congratulated the Syriac-Assyrian people and the general Syrian people with all its components, on the occasion of the Syriac-Assyrian New Year (Akito).

DAA congratulates Syriac-Assyrian people on Akito
30 March 2024   13:05

Today, the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria issued a written statement on the occasion of the Syriac-Assyrian New Year which stated:

“The first of April, the Assyrian New Year, symbolizes renewal, resurrection, and change. It is a holiday that all the peoples of the region celebrate under different names, and with this concept, hope is renewed for people in this region, which is rich in its people and its important historical diversity.

On the occasion of Akito - the Syro-Assyrian New Year 6774, which falls on the first of April every year, we extend our congratulations and blessings to the Syriac-Assyrian people and all of the Syrian people with all its components. This holiday, which is considered a historical symbol that expresses the authenticity and nobility of the components of the region.

The Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria region and all its institutions have become the guarantor of the rights of all components and their continuity on their land with all their cultures and languages, and the Autonomous Administration was able to send a new spirit to all the peoples of the region.
