Confederation of Democratic Society Organizations between Definition, Structure, Objectives

Since the beginning of the year, a new community organization has been established in the territory of North and East Syria, in the name of the Confederation of Democratic Society Organizations, which requires it to play an important and effective role in formulating appropriate policies to build a society with democratic knowledge and awareness, in accordance with its definition, structure and objectives.

Confederation of Democratic Society Organizations between Definition, Structure, Objectives
12 April 2024   04:10

On 31 January this year, the first founding conference of the Confederation of Democratic Community Organizations of the territory of North and East Syria was held under the slogan "The strength of an organized society we will entrench democracy, freedom and social justice", but was renamed the Confederation of Democratic Society Organizations on 29 March last at the first meetings of the General Council.

To explain the tasks and actions of the Democratic Community Organizations of the newly formed territory of North and East Syria, ANHA's agency met with its co-chairmanship, Jihad Hassan, who said at the outset that the Confederation was the result of seeking to develop the regulatory situation in North and EastSyria and to move it to the desired level that will meet everyone's aspirations.

Definition of Confederacy

The Confederation of Democratic Community Organizations in North and East Syria is the umbrella that brings together charities, cooperative foundations, relief organizations, professional associations and women's and youth organizations, and takes an active role in developing appropriate policies to build a society with democratic knowledge and awareness, working on the foundations and ideas of a moral and political society and promoting and developing voluntary and charitable activities.

Hassan pointed out that the Confederation's theme comes from a societal regulatory situation that is more relevant to the region's specificity, and also comes from its general perspective to maintain and develop horizontal status. Horizontal relationships are based on equal rights and duties, unlike vertical relationships. "Especially previously in the concept of governing regimes, the State was taken from these federations and named them as it wished, but those unions were hierarchically linked to the existing authority".

"The Confederation is more suited to the concept of Democratic Autonomous Administration DAA of North and East Syria as well as to the societal organizational situation that exists today in our regions of the Communal Participatory Principle and the provincial executive boards. These organizations, formerly known as civil society, lacked this organizational status, were formed as a result of the emergency and urgent situation to conduct certain societal matters."

Confederation Goals

The objective of the Confederation, in accordance with its rules of procedure, is "to develop diverse thinking, freedom and democracy among segments of society, and to work on the basis of organizing the moral, societal and political values of all social components and organizations, and to develop society on the basis of the principle of democracy, environmental protection and women's freedom.

To re-establish the concept of the mindset of equality and freedoms on the basis of individual and social freedoms, based on the protection and development of democratic, societal, political, cultural, economic and professional rights and interests in all spheres of members' and all workers' rights, to establish the necessary teams of solidarity and to form the necessary organizations, and to provide humanitarian assistance to meet the needs of society in war, disaster, emergency and other situations.

The aim is therefore to develop the situation of existing federations and to bring them up to better levels, to be in keeping with the spirit of the pensionable phase and to be the cornerstone of the proper construction of our regions. "

The Confederation of Democratic Community Organizations of North and East Syria is affiliated with 17 federations under its ceiling at the North and East Syria region level. Besides these federations, there are several sub-federations at the cantons level. The membership of these federations and associations reaches half a million affiliates across the North and East Syria region.

Relationship between the Confederation and DAA.

The co-chairmanship of the Confederation of Democratic Society Organizations, Jihad Hassan, addressed the relationship between Confederation and AA and said: "AA is a community administration and not a system of power-based governance social contract ", so it is necessary and necessary, especially after the stipulation of the social contract, which was ratified in late 2023, our relationship will be to represent today's federations on the councils to be formed, each Council shall, in accordance with its competence, be the stakeholders in participating in proposals and decision-making. "

He concludes by stating that the relationship will be in accordance with the Democratic Society Organizations Act adopted by the Democratic Peoples' Council of the North and East SyriaRegion.

At the meeting that saw the name change on 28 March this year, 4 members of the governing body were elected, 29 members were elected as coordination.

T/ Satt*