CENTCOM: Air strikes on 85 targets in Syria and Iraq

Centcom announced that American forces struck more than 85 targets linked to the Quds Force in Syria and Iraq, which Baghdad considered a violation of its sovereignty, while those strikes on Syria resulted in the killing of 18 members, according to the Syrian Observatory.

 CENTCOM: Air strikes on 85 targets in Syria and Iraq
3 February 2024   09:55

The US Army's Central Command (CENTCOM) announced early this morning that "its forces launched air strikes in Iraq and Syria targeting sites of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its affiliated militia groups."

The command said in a statement today that US military forces struck more than 85 targets with many aircraft that included long-range bombers launched from the United States. According to the statement, the air strikes used more than 125 precision-guided munitions.

The statement explained, "The targets included command and control headquarters, intelligence centers, and warehouses for missiles, drones, ammunition, and logistical supplies belonging to the militias and the Revolutionary Guard."

US President Joe Biden said that he "issued directives to carry out military strikes on facilities in Iraq and Syria belonging to the factions that attacked American forces," and added that "the response will continue." He added, "The United States does not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world."

Iraq considers the strikes a violation of sovereignty

The White House indicated that the United States informed Iraq before launching air strikes on three sites belonging to factions inside the country, minutes after the Iraqi army denounced the strikes, which it described as a violation of Iraqi sovereignty.

This morning, the spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Yahya Rasoul, considered the American strikes a “violation of Iraqi sovereignty.”

Rasoul said, in a statement today, that the cities of Al-Qaim and the Iraqi border areas were subjected to air strikes by US aircraft, as these strikes come at a time when Iraq is striving to ensure the stability of the region.

18 members killed in Syria

For its part, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that American aircraft carried out rounds of air strikes on sites along a length of about 130 kilometers from the city of Deir ez-Zor all the way to the Syrian-Iraqi border, passing through Al-Mayadeen.

 During those rounds, they targeted 26 sites belonging to groups loyal to Iran. In the city of Al-Mayadeen, they bombed sites in the Al-Tammu neighborhood and the Ain Ali base near Al-Rahba Castle, Al-Shibli neighborhood, Al-Haidariyah, and the grain silos, and in Al-Bukamal near the Syrian-Iraqi border, they targeted several sites in Al-Haganah and Al-Hari, according to the Observatory. Syrian.

In the city of Deir ez-Zor, pro-Iranian sites were targeted near the former College of Education, Harabesh Medical Center, Hawija Sakr, and Ayyash warehouses.

The strikes resulted in the death of 18 members, an infinite toll of those strikes, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The United States had previously said that American forces in Jordan were attacked by the "Iraqi Islamic Resistance," and according to the Pentagon, this strike resulted in the death of 3 American soldiers and the wounding of more than 40 others.
