Boiling in the occupied Syrian territories, fears of Gaza truce failure

The Syrian regions occupied by Turkey are witnessing unrest among residents and merchants due to the practices of mercenaries and their control over fuel, while there are fears of the failure of the truce in Gaza, which will lead to a major and unprecedented escalation, while observers believe that the regional war is still ongoing starting from Lebanon.

Boiling in the occupied Syrian territories, fears of Gaza truce failure
26 November 2023   06:51

During the past week, Arab newspapers touched on the situation in the Syrian regions occupied by Turkey, in addition to developments in Gaza and Lebanon and their repercussions on the regional situation.

Boiling in the occupied Syrian territories

Starting with the Syrian issue, and in this context, Al-Arab newspaper referred to the occupied Syrian regions, especially the city of Al-Bab, east of Aleppo, which is witnessing a state of unrest among fuel merchants and gas station owners (gas stations), denouncing the efforts of the mercenaries of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (formerly Jabhet al-Nusra) to dominate the sector. In north and northwest Syria, the newspaper saw that the profits generated from the fuel trade constituted a source of temptation for groups, especially for Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham, which through its arms took control of the market, which caused great harm to merchants, and this also prompted dozens to demonstrate. From fuel merchants, gas station owners, and fuel selling stalls.

Fears of a major setback in Gaza

Regarding developments in the situation in Gaza, and in this context, Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper quoted European diplomatic sources in Paris, saying that there are fears that the four-day truce will be merely a temporary cessation of hostilities after which things will return to what they were of military escalation, which means more of victims, destruction and displacement, these sources say that Israel “has not, to date, achieved the main goal it set for its war on Gaza, which is to eradicate (Hamas),” which means that it may be intent on invading the center and south of the Strip as it did in the north.

The possibility of regional war remains

Al-Jumhuriya newspaper touched on the situation in Lebanon and its impact on the region, as Western diplomatic sources revealed to Al-Jumhuriya that the Americans are putting serious pressure on Israel to prevent escalation with Lebanon. In the same vein, the French moved in the direction of Lebanon and Israel to send direct messages to Lebanese and Israeli officials to avoid... Military escalation.

The sources said that the situation is still worrying, especially since we have not yet seen a final solution to the Gaza issue, in addition to the fact that southern Lebanon is in a state of war, and therefore the situation could again descend into a major explosion at any moment, and the risks of a regional war still exist. It is true that this possibility is now more remote than it was weeks ago, but it cannot be ruled out.