Afrin, al-Shahba IDPs are determined to continue the struggle

The people of Afrin and al-Shahba canton chose to resist and withstand the continuous attacks of the Turkish occupation state, and stressed: “No one will be able to keep us away from our land. With our resistance and steadfastness, we will guarantee our return.”

Afrin, al-Shahba IDPs are determined to continue the struggle
15 April 2024   03:30

ANHA's agency monitored the opinions of IDPs Afrin and the people of al-Shahba regarding the attacks of the Turkish occupation state on the region, and the resistance they are waging.

“The fascist Turkish state will not be able to break our will.”

In this context, the Maryam Omar IDP said: “The attacks of the Turkish occupation state on civilians have not stopped since we left Afrin heading to al-Shahba, and dozens of massacres were committed against civilians, especially children, during the second phase of the Resistance of the Age, and the Tal Rifaat district and the villages of the Sherawa district of Afrin are being exposed.” The occupiers and the villages of al-Shahba were subjected to daily Turkish bombing, and despite committing all these crimes and violations with the aim of eliminating the Kurdish identity and the Kurdish presence, they were unable to break the will of the people of Afrin and al-Shahba with their brutality.”

“We will defeat the occupation with unity”

Nada Al-Ahmad, IDP of Al-Shahba, highlighted the role and importance of unity: “We live with the displaced people of Afrin together, and we will defeat the occupation and defeat it with popular unity. We strongly condemn the attacks of the Turkish state on our region, and let the enemy know well that we will not choose another path but struggle.”

“With resistance, we will ensure return.”

The IDP, Jakarkhoin Sheikho, stressed his adherence to the resistance approach: “After the occupation of Afrin by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries, the people of Afrin were displaced to al-Shahba, so they chose there the path of resistance and steadfastness. We have been resisting and struggling in al-Shahba for 6 years, and in addition to being exposed to attacks, the Damascus government imposes a continuous siege is imposed on us. Our struggle is to return to Afrin, so no one will be able to keep us away from our land. With our resistance, we will guarantee the return.”

T/ Satt.