4 members of National Defense Forces killed in Deir ez-Zor

4 members of the National Defense Forces, affiliated with the Damascus government forces, were killed by a drone east of Deir ez-Zor.

4 members of National Defense Forces killed in Deir ez-Zor
30 November 2023   10:57

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that 4 members of the National Defense Forces of the Damascus government forces were killed as a result of a car carrying them being targeted by a drone near the Syrian-Iraqi border in the countryside of the city of Albu-Kamal, east of Deir ez-Zor.

According to the SOHR, American warplanes carried out 8 attacks on sites, points and vehicles belonging to Iranian groups in Deir ez-Zor, since the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, killing 17 soldiers and wounding at least 10 others.

Iranian forces in Iraq and Syria carried out 44 ground and air attacks on American bases.
