38 days, family of journalist Suleiman Ahmed awaited information about his fate

Journalist Suleiman Ahmed has been kidnapped by the authorities of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and his fate is unknown for 38 days.

38 days, family of journalist Suleiman Ahmed awaited information about his fate
1 December 2023   09:48

The family of the editor of Roj News Agency, journalist Suleiman Ahmed, are waiting for news or information about him, after the Kurdistan Democratic Party authorities kidnapped him 38 days ago, while returning from Syria at the Fish Khabur crossing.

Suleiman Ahmed had gone to visit his family in the city of Aleppo on October 1, after the death of his father, Muhammad Ahmed.

While returning from Syria at the Fish Khabur crossing, he was kidnapped by the Kurdistan Democratic Party authorities, and contact with him was completely lost 38 days ago.

Dozens of local, regional and international media organizations, are calling on the Kurdistan Democratic authorities to release the editor of Roj News Agency, Suleiman Ahmed. CPT, CPJ and RSF, which are concerned with the rights of journalists at the global level, issued a call to drop the charges against him and release him immediately. They also criticized the authorities of southern Kurdistan for their continued violations of international laws protecting journalists.

The security forces and Asayish of Dohuk, affiliated with the Kurdistan Democratic Party, also prevented lawyers from meeting with our agency’s editor, while a lawyer confirmed that “Suleiman’s file was transferred to the "Parastan" of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.”
