2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off

The work of the Second National Unity Forum for Syrian Clans and Components has now begun, with the participation of various clans and components in NE Syria.

2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
2d National Unity Forum of Syrian Tribes, Components kicks off
25 May 2024   12:14

Under the patronage of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria and the Syrian Democratic Council, the second National Unity Forum for Syrian Clans and Components has now launched, under the slogan “Dialogue, Safety, Construction, for a Unified, Decentralized Syria” at the Sports City Stadium in the city of Hasaka with the participation of 5,000 people from various cities, towns and villages of NE Syria.

The forum will be attended by the joint presidency of the Executive Council of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, the joint presidency of the Syrian Democratic Council, and the General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces.

The forum is attended by clerics from the Democratic Islam Conference, Christians, Yazidis, Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Assyrians, Turkmens, Circassians, Armenians, women’s community activists, social figures, academics, intellectuals, and Kurdish and Arab tribal figures.

The forum primarily aims to emphasize the importance of the unity of the Syrian components, and send a message to the parties involved in the Syrian crisis that the key to the solution is in the hands of the Syrians.

The forum began with a minute of silence, and speeches will be delivered by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, the Syrian Democratic Council, the Syrian Democratic Forces, and the Arab and Kurdish tribes. The Syrian components and religions will have messages at the conference, and it will end with a final statement that includes recommendations.
