​​​​​​​Hawar news agency plan 10-5-2023

​​​​​​​Hawar news agency plan 10-5-2023
4 Decemberember 2023   20:00

The Arab Committee for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan revealed the intensification of its activities and events during the coming period, with the passage of a quarter of a century since the international conspiracy that targeted him.

Intellectuals in the city of Al-Hasakah called for escalating the struggle to achieve the freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan, stressing the necessity of “joining together to show what our leader is being subjected to in Imrali prison and persevering to thwart the enemy’s efforts.” (Attached with photos and video)

On the 9th anniversary of Arin Mirkan’s guerrilla operation, her mother confirmed that her daughter was a martyr for millions of Kurdish people, and stated that she was looking forward to seeing a liberated Kurdistan. (Photos and video attached)

Member of the General Council of the Democratic Union Party, Saleh Nouh, indicated that the militants of the Kurdistan Democratic Party are leading the war of extermination declared by the Turkish occupation state against the Kurds, and he considered it unacceptable, and stressed the need to escalate the struggle in the face of their betrayal. (Attached with pictures and video)

The people of Deir ez-Zor stressed holding accountable everyone who participates in pushing the region towards strife, and who tries to destabilize the security and stability of their regions, and stressed their awareness of these efforts and their solidarity in confronting them. (Photos and video attached)

The Kurds in Aleppo affirmed that achieving Kurdish unity will contribute to thwarting the goals of the occupiers and the traitors who support them, calling for the formation of a Kurdistan National Conference and the exclusion of all parties that harm the cause. (Photos and video attached)

Women go out in the districts of Jal Agha, Tal Koçr, Deirk, and GirkLege in a demonstration denouncing the isolation imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan, from the side of Martyr Khabat Square in the GirkLege district, at 10:00. (Photos and video attached)

A group of Yazidis from NE, Syria are heading to Başûr Kurdistan to participate in the Eid Hamai ceremony in the Lalish Temple, which will continue for 7 days in a row. The gathering begins in front of the Yazidi house in the Tirbsipi district. (Attached with pictures and video)

The Armenian Social Council and the Union of Armenian Women make a statement to public opinion denouncing the genocide and demographic change against the Armenian people in Artsakh, in front of the building of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in the city of Qamishlo, at 10:30. (Attached with photos and video)

The Youth and Sports Committee in the city of Manbij and its countryside is organizing a lecture on the international conspiracy, in the Legislative Council hall at 11:00. (Video and photos attached).

The people of Sarin district in Kobani canton go out in a demonstration denouncing the international conspiracy, starting from Sarin Junction towards the Commander’s Park on Qarqozak Bridge, at 12:00 (video and photos attached).