112 citizens arrested during 72 hours in Turkey

Within 3 days, the Turkish state authorities arrested 112 citizens in various cities in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, as part of their ongoing security operations targeting politicians and activists in the country.

112 citizens arrested during 72 hours in Turkey
4 Decemberember 2023   08:02

The operations carried out by the Turkish state authorities in Northern Kurdistan Turkey, the latest of which was published by ANHA agency yesterday, where the Turkish authorities arrested 6 citizens in Northern Kurdistan, including environmental activists and journalists.

Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya stated that on October 4, 37 people were arrested in 15 cities.

According to ANF News Agency, the detainees are from Istanbul, Van, Varha, Wacherbat, Duzce, Amed, Bursa, Edirne, Kırıklareli, Kilis, Idir, Hatay, Adana, Maraş and Denizli.

On October 2, at least 20 people were arrested in raids in Istanbul and Kırıklareli, most of them members of the Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP).

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced that 55 people were arrested in other operations in 16 cities on October 3.

In a non-final tally, the number of detainees reached 112 people during the past three days alone.
