SDC representative in Egypt: Turkey turns NES into a time bomb

Reportaj Summay

 SDC representative in Egypt: Turkey turns NES into a time bomb
12 June 2022   00:42

 Leila Moussa made it clear that Turkey poses a serious threat to international peace and security, and that drying up the sources of terrorism is not possible unless Turkey stops its policies.  "Turkey is turning northern Syria into time bombs that threaten international peace and security," she said.

 The representative of the Syrian Democratic Council in Egypt, Laila Moussa, explained that the protection of Turkish national security - according to the perspective and logic of the government of justice and development - is carried out through Islamist organizations, and stressed that Turkey targets the entire Syrian national security, as well as all components of Syrian society without exception.

 Laila Moussa's statements came in an interview with our agency, about the seriousness of Turkish policies against the Syrian people, as she confirmed that the policies and strategies carried out by the Turkish occupation state through its tool - political Islam - are a matter of concern by the street and the Egyptian government, because the establishment of any extremist Islamist entity in  the Syrian north is a serious threat to the security and peace of the entire region, and gives impetus and morale to Islamist organizations in other countries.

 The following is the text of the interview:

 * The Turkish occupation state threatens to invade new Syrian regions under the pretext of protecting its "national security". In your opinion, what are the real goals of the Turkish occupation state?

 It is no longer a secret that one of the goals of the expansionist colonialist government of justice and development, is the "Mille Charter" project, which aims to occupy the entire north of Syria.

 This government is known for its pragmatic policies, based on exploiting all circumstances to serve its agendas. This time, it is taking advantage of the world's preoccupation with the Ukrainian war, using it as a blackmail card to force the international community to respond to its demands to meet some of the services it provides, and to cover up the failure of its internal policies.  It is experiencing real crises from the economic point of view in the field of human rights, among others.

 * How dangerous are the Turkish attacks on the components of the region, and do they target the Kurds only, or are they  pretexts to expand their occupation?

 These attacks have dangerous dimensions, and will have catastrophic repercussions on the security future of the entire region, and not only Syria, as they aim to carve out the territory of Syria, repeat the scenario of the Alexandretta and Cyprus Brigade, and tamper with the security and stability of the region, thus contributing to the revitalization of ISIS and gathering its diaspora, and even more dangerously,  settling extremists with their various organizations, such as the Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda and ISIS, in the areas it occupies.

 As Turkey is forming a belt of extremist Islamist groups on the northern borders of Syria, thus turning northern Syria into time bombs that threaten international peace and security.

 We also do not rule out that northern Syria will become the source for all of these, or perhaps for a more extremist organization, with a different name, such as the Brotherhood in Egypt, Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, and ISIS in Iraq.

 In order for Turkey to be able to pass its occupational project to the north of Syria, it needs to silence the Turkish interior, win the feelings and sympathy of the Islamic world and the Turkish nationalist through its demagogic discourse and an international green light.  The Arab-majority areas are systematic Turkification and committing violations against all international and humanitarian conventions and norms against their residents, through the release of the hands of extremist Islamist factions.

 * Turkey claims the formation of the so-called “safe zone” and the deportation of Syrian refugees to it. At the same time, we see that the areas occupied by Turkey have security, military, social and living chaos, and recently several demonstrations took place in those areas, especially in Afrin.  What safety are the Turkish authorities talking about, and how do you assess the situation there?

 In fact, the strategy of the Justice and Development government in establishing the safe zone is to form a safe belt for extremist Islamist groups, their strategic tools in passing their agendas and securing their interventions in other countries, as this belt is to ensure the maintenance of the continuity of the existential security of terrorist organizations.

This belt will also be a soft side full of contradictions and chaos that will ensure the continuity of the Turkish intervention in Syria.

 And its occupation of (Afrin, Serêkaniyê, and Girê Spî) through dirty deals with some countries and failed forces, which are accompanied by international silence because they are witnessing the birth of a young national democratic experience for the first time in the modern history of Syria.

 According to the logic of authoritarian, dictatorial countries, and Turkey as a model, what threatens its existence is this young experience, so it worked with all the means to bury it.  Despite the presence of ISIS on its borders, we did not hear from the Justice and Development government any complaint about a threat to its “national security.”

 The protection of Turkish national security, according to the logic of the Justice and Development government, is carried out through Islamist organizations.

 As for Afrin situation, it is a natural result of the violations and crimes that the people are subjected to, and the deterioration of the living situation and insecurity, as the people who revolted against authoritarianism and demand a decent life, certainly will not accept such a situation, and the people no longer accept to be traded  in order to serve the Turkish it exposed the falsehood of Erdogan’s demagogic discourse that contradict the truth.

 It is an important step for the Syrian people to put an end to its exploitation and use as a tool in cutting off parts of the Syrian geography and tearing its social fabric, changing its demographics and tampering with its security and stability.

 * There are regional and local reactions to the recent Turkish threats and the attacks on the region. Are they capable of deterring the Turkish regime?

 With these threats and occupations, Turkey poses a serious threat to international peace and security, and after every operation, it contributes to the revitalization of terrorism and extremism, and drying up the sources of terrorism is not possible unless Turkey stops its policies.

 Although the international community is aware of this fact, its reactions now are not at the required level.  As I said earlier, unfortunately, interests take precedence.

 We hope that there will be practical and serious steps by the international community to put an end to these threats, and we also hope that the Syrian people will not allow themselves to be victims of such projects to pass foreign policies and agendas that cause Syria to tear apart people.

 * In a related context, the Autonomous Administration and the Syrian Democratic Forces called on the Damascus government to carry out its national duty and protect the Syrian lands. In your opinion, what is required of the government now?

 The areas that Turkey threatens to occupy are Syrian lands, and therefore it is the duty of the Damascus government to carry out its national duties, by standing up to such threats and preserving Syrian unity and sovereignty.

 We hope that the experience of Afrin and other occupied areas of Turkey will not be repeated, as we are facing a pivotal historical stage, and it is also an opportunity to unify the Syrian internal front in the face of external expansionist occupation projects and restore the occupied from it.

 Because what Turkey is doing is not targeting a component or a sect per se, but rather the entire Syrian national security.  It also targets all components of Syrian society without exception.

 * You are diplomat  What is the position of the Egyptian political forces regarding the Turkish threats and attacks?

 The policies and strategies of the Turkish state through its political Islam tool are of concern to the street and the Egyptian government, because the establishment of any extremist Islamist entity in northern Syria is a serious threat to the security and peace of the entire region, and gives impetus and morale to Islamist organizations in other countries, and on this  Basically, the National Coalition of Egyptian Political Parties recently issued a condemnation of the Turkish threats to launch an occupying military operation in northern Syria.
