Politicians: Turkey seeks after expansion project at expense of Iraq and Syria

 The heads of the relations offices of the Syrian Kurdish Left Party and the Kurdistan Republican Party in Raqqa confirmed that the Turkish occupation state is seeking a war of extermination in the regions of northern and eastern Syria and Iraq to restore the Ottoman occupation under the pretext of protecting its national security.

 Politicians: Turkey seeks after expansion project at expense of Iraq and Syria
30 April 2022   22:59
 Al-Raqqa - Ahmed Al-Assaf

 The Turkish occupation state is intensifying its attacks with heavy weapons and drones on the regions of northern and eastern Syria and on areas in southern Kurdistan, with the aim of undermining the democratic nation’s project in the regions of northern and eastern Syria and in Shingal, and occupying more Syrian and Iraqi lands.


 In this regard, Mahmoud Buzan, head of the Relations Office of the Syrian Kurdish Left Party, said, "We condemn the criminal act carried out by the Turkish enemy on the regions of north and east Syria in particular and Syria in general, which is considered a war of genocide for the peoples of the region."

 He added, "The peoples of the region are not terrorists if they are Arabs or Kurds, as Erdogan and his mercenaries claim, and the peoples of the region are the ones who fought terrorism and planted the brotherhood of peoples in the region and coexistence."

 He continued, "We appeal to all countries of the world, democracy and freedom-loving countries, and the Human Rights Committee to do their duty towards the peoples of north and east Syria in particular and Syria in general, as Erdogan seeks genocidal wars."

 Mahmoud Buzan explained that "Turkey's history is clear from time immemorial, and everyone knows its policy towards the region, and intentions of fascism and its decadent criminality against the peoples of the region. Turkey wants to repeat the Ottoman history and differentiate between the peoples of the region as it did in the past."


 In turn, the head of the public relations office of the Kurdistan Republican Party in Raqqa, Ahmed Nouri, said, "Turkey is conducting a war of extermination against the peoples of the region and a process of demographic change in the region. The aim of these actions is to thwart any democratic project in the region and serve its expansionist Ottoman project at the expense of the Syrian and Iraqi lands, and all of these actions  Violation of international law and international covenants.

 "Turkey is trying to weaken the region more broadly by using the method of siege, demographic change and restricting river waters to put pressure on the region, and to complete its colonial projects that it has been following since the beginning of the Syrian crisis," Ahmed Nouri said.

 Nuri called on the international community to put an end to Turkish transgressions in the region, abide by international agreements, stop all violations, and abide by human rights standards.
