Iraqi researcher: PKK supports justice, designating it as terrorist organization is politicized

Reportaj Summay

Iraqi researcher: PKK supports justice, designating it as terrorist organization is politicized
16 November 2021   03:31

 The Iraqi writer and researcher in Kurdish affairs, Ali Naji, confirmed that the inclusion of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) on the terrorist lists was for political purposes, stressing that the party was not preoccupied with searching for positions and money, but rather the freedom and dignity of the Kurdish people and the indigenous peoples in the region.

 The PKK has been struggling for 43 years to solve the Kurdish Question in a just, defend the oppressed peoples in the Middle East, and stand in the face of genocide planned by regional and global powers against the Kurds, and entrusted the task of implementation to successive Turkish authorities.

 Despite all the attacks against it since its founding in 1978, it has managed to withstand, continue the struggle, and internationalize the Kurdish Question.

 The Iraqi writer and researcher on Kurdish affairs, Ali Naji, believes that the PKK is the largest in terms of popularity among the Kurdish people and the peoples of the region.

 The Iraqi researcher's statements came during a dialogue with our agency, where he stressed the necessity of evaluating the PKK according to its bid for the just Kurdish cause, which is one of the most important issues in the Middle East.

 The following is the text of the interview:

* What is your impression of the PKK?

 With the early emergence of the PKK, it was considered one of the libertarian left parties and a source for them.  Now the PKK is a left-wing, liberal, progressive humanist party;  It keeps pace with all the developments of the times;  It calls for peaceful coexistence instead of adhering to nationalist concepts, and it is a party that supports peoples and justice, and against injustice everywhere, whether in Kurdistan or any other region.

 * The PKK has been fighting for 43 years to solve the Kurdish Question and the issue of oppressed peoples in the Middle East. How do you evaluate this struggle?

 With all due respect to writers and researchers in Kurdish affairs, the PKK is not evaluated in writing.  The Workers' Party sacrificed blood a lot for the sake of the Kurdish cause, which is one of the most important just questions in the Middle East. It also sacrificed for the sake of the causes of the rest of the oppressed indigenous peoples in the Middle East;  As now in the north and east of Syria, whose people live under a regime based on peaceful coexistence, for their adoption of the methodology of the great professor and intellectual reference Abdullah Ocalan.

The PKK should always be evaluated according to its bid for the just Kurdish cause, which is one of the most important questions  in the Middle East.

 * The European Union and America included the PKK on the lists of global terrorism, in the mid-eighties of the last century. In your opinion, is there a legal justification for this inclusion, and what is the reason?

 The inclusion of the PKK on terrorist lists was for political purposes.  America, which listed the party on terrorist lists, is the same one that is now dealing and cooperating with the ideological ally of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in northern and eastern Syria, such as the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Autonomous Administration, whose intellectual reference is Abdullah Ocalan.

Including the party on terrorist lists and drafting laws for this purpose is a political decision.

 * The entire Kurdish people see the PKK as its legitimate representative, and the Kurds and freedom advocates have organized dozens of events in order to remove the party’s name from terrorist lists, but the European Union and America have not skipped any step in order to remove the party’s name.  Why do you think?

 Yes, the general Kurdish people and fraternal peoples with the Kurdish people, such as the Kakais and Christians, see the PKK as their legitimate representative, because the PKK was not preoccupied with politics and searching for gains, positions and money, but rather a search and search for the freedom and dignity of the Kurdish people and the indigenous peoples in the region.

 Yes, there are other parties, but the Kurdistan Workers' Party is the largest in terms of mass among the Kurdish people and the peoples of the region.  There are activities and activities to remove the party from the lists of terrorism and they are good, but removing it must be an international decision with political dimensions.

 * PKK leaders confirmed that the first steps to recognize the Kurdish people's cause is to remove the party's name from the terrorist lists. How do you evaluate these statements?

 Certainly, the first steps to recognize the cause of the Kurdish people is to remove the name of the PKK from the terrorist lists, and to release the great thinker Abdullah Ocalan from detention.  Compensating the families of the victims of Turkish crimes against the Kurdish people.

 * Recently, a group of international politicians and intellectuals launched an initiative to urge the international community to remove the name of the PKK from terrorist lists. How can this initiative be supported and what is required of the peoples who believe in the cause of the Kurdish people, especially the Arab people, who have historical relations with the Kurdish people?

 I am a member of one of the Arab groups to urge the international community to remove the PKK from terrorist lists, and to release the great thinker Abdullah Ocalan.

 However, there is an international will for the PKK to remain on the terrorist list, despite the presence of the party’s ideological wings in Syria, Iran and others, and they are dealt with by the United States and the European Union.

 All the peoples of the region believe in the cause of the Kurdish people, especially the elites of these peoples. Therefore, international political pressure must be exerted to remove the party's name from the terrorist lists.
