Women's Council of PYD: Women must be protected in occupied territories

The Women's Council of the Democratic Union Party in the Euphrates region called for addressing cases of violence against women in the occupied areas of Afrin, Girê Spî/Tal Abyad, Serêkaniyê/ and Ras al-Ain.

Women's Council of PYD: Women must be protected in occupied territories
2 June 2021   12:58

The Women's Council organized a gathering at the Kongra Stars headquarters in the city of Kobane, as part of a series of campaign activities launched by the Women's Council to complement their campaign "No to conspiracy, no to occupation, no to violence."

During the gathering, the statement issued by the council regarding cases of violence affecting women in the occupied areas was read by the administrator of the Women's Council of the Democratic Union Party, Hevin Suleiman, stated: "The revolution that was launched in north and east Syria and led by women proved that it was a revolution of freedom and democracy, as it destroyed all the restrictions that bind them in the name of the customs and traditions.”

The statement stressed that: "We must stand up against cases of violence and conspiracy against women, as is the case in the occupied areas of Afrin, Girê Spî / Tal Abyad and Serêkaniyê / Ras al-Ain, in which women are subjected to rape and kidnapping."

The statement called for the need to reduce violations against women and stand by women because they always fall victim to the ideas of society.”



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