Torches demos of Revolutionary Youth demand disclosure of Ocalan's status

This evening hundreds of youths in Kobane, Direk and Tibespia went out in night demonstrations, carrying torches and pictures of the leader Ocalan.

 Torches demos of Revolutionary Youth demand disclosure of Ocalan's status
 Torches demos of Revolutionary Youth demand disclosure of Ocalan's status
 Torches demos of Revolutionary Youth demand disclosure of Ocalan's status
 Torches demos of Revolutionary Youth demand disclosure of Ocalan's status
 Torches demos of Revolutionary Youth demand disclosure of Ocalan's status
 Torches demos of Revolutionary Youth demand disclosure of Ocalan's status
 Torches demos of Revolutionary Youth demand disclosure of Ocalan's status
 Torches demos of Revolutionary Youth demand disclosure of Ocalan's status
28 February 2020   19:46
  News Desk

In continuation of the events and demonstrations to demand uncovering the status of  Ocalan on the background of a fire  of the last Thursday on the island of Emrali, the youth of Kobane, Direk and Tirbespia went out in demonstrations.


The Youth Revolutionary Movement  organized a demonstration in Kobane to denounce the fire in Imrali. They demanded revealing the health situation of the leader Abdullah Ocalan.

Hundreds of young people took part in the demonstration in Kobane, along with dozens of residents, and demonstrators carried pictures of Commander Ocalan.

 They chanted slogans hailing the resistance the leader, Ocalan and "No Life Without Ocalan", and headed towards the Free Women's Square.

 The joint head of the  Sports and Youth Body in the Euphrates region, Daly Barkel, said: For 21 years, the international conspiracy has continued on the peoples of the Middle East in general and the Kurdish people in particular, in order to stifle the revolution and the freedom of the people in different ways.

"The international conspiracy against the people who aspire for freedom was by arresting the leader, Ocalan. It continued through the occupation of areas in northeastern of Syria, and the committed  massacres there."

Daly also pointed to the fire in the Emrali prison: it is a conspiracy against  Abdullah Ocalan, one of the plots to eliminate Ocalan, the free-thinking and participating life, and to build a democratic and ethical society.

 In the conclusion, Daly also pledged to walk on the approach, thought and philosophy of Ocalan. We as revolutionary youth are the guerrillas of the leader Abdullah Ocalan.

 The demonstration ended with the chanting of slogans that greeted the leader's resistance in Amalli prison.

Derik city

In the same drive, hundreds from Direk city took part in a torch-throwing demonstration organized by the Revolutionary Youth Union.

 The demonstration began amid the chants of the slogans that greet the resistance of Emrali, and calling on the international community and humanitarian organizations to immediately enter to reveal the status and health of the leader Ocalan.

The demonstration there ended with a certainty that the conflict would continue in the fields until  knowing the situation of the leader, Ocalan.

Tirbespia city

The youths came out in the evening night march illuminated by torches. They demanded revealing the leader, Ocalan's status, and end the isolation on him.

 They confirmed that they would not leave the people until he was assured of his health. The march started in front of the Union center, during which demonstrators carried pictures of Abdullah Ocalan and flares, and headed towards the western entrance of the city, amid chants calling for the freedom of Ocalan.

  Nasrin Hassan, delivered a speech in which she pointed out that Turkey  is trying, in all ways, to break the will of the people fighting for freedom and peace.

Nasrin Hassan confirmed that in the Youth Union they will continue to be in the running, and will not stand until the health of Commander Ocalan is assured, and the isolation imposed on him is lifted.