The council of Raqqa's youth graduates  new nursing course  .

The council of Raqqa's youth graduated its 4th course at nursery in special ceremony. The course included 60 members received  a month-long medical training

The council of Raqqa's youth graduates  new nursing course  .
1 January 2020   16:33

,The course was conducted for raising the health awareness and how to deal with the emergency cases. It included  the first aid lessons, .dealing with burns, fractures, all kinds of anesthesia, needles injection and vein opening.

The course included a number of young girls and boys from `Al-Raqqa city and its country side .The trainees  expressed their gratitude at the graduation ceremony , for the youth council for paving the way for the youth category. 

At the end of the course, .graduation documents were distributed on the participants certified from the youth council of Raqqa.liinked to the civil council of Raqqa. It confirms their qualification for conducting the first aid.