After collapsing talks with Washington …. Taliban in Moscow

Russia has unveiled talks with the Taliban after talks between the Afghan group and the United States collapsed.

After collapsing talks with Washington …. Taliban in Moscow
14 September 2019   08:55

RIA Novosti agency citied, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry said that "the Russian President's Special Representative for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov hosted a Taliban delegation in Moscow", without revealing the date the conversations took place.

The spokesman said that "the Russian side stressed the need to re-launch negotiations between the United States and Taliban."

He added that the delegates "Taliban for their part confirmed their desire to continue dialogue with Washington."

Expectations have been raised that a Taliban-US deal would reduce Washington's troop numbers in Afghanistan, while the group offers security assurances that the country, which has seen decades of conflict, will not be used as a haven for extremist groups.

But Trump revealed on September 7 that he had canceled an unprecedented meeting between him and Taliban representatives in the United States and announced that talks with the group had become "dead".
