Work on developing health awareness in al-Raqqa

The Committee of Youth and Sports in al-Raqqa opened the second nursing course, which is attended by 27 trainees, after coordination with the Health Committee of the Civil Council.

Work on developing health awareness in al-Raqqa
Work on developing health awareness in al-Raqqa
Work on developing health awareness in al-Raqqa
Work on developing health awareness in al-Raqqa
Work on developing health awareness in al-Raqqa
12 July 2019   08:58

The course would last for a month in which the trainess would recievetheroitical and practical lessons on(the first aid –surgey- laboratory analysis, and pharmacy.

The supervisor on the training Newal al-Khelf said to ANHA agency that the aim of the couse is to raise the skills of the participants  and working to raise the level of the heath awarenes by the theoritical and practical lessons  .

"The course aims at increasing the participants' experience and skills, and by raising theoretical and practical lectures, in addition to their practical training, which will include lessons on how to first aid and draw blood for analysis, she added.