She realized her dream after thinking that it was buried

At the age of 50, she started reading and writing after having had the chance to return to school. The citizen Alif Rashid made her dream come true after she thought that the dream had been buried and it was impossible to be achieved.

She realized her dream after thinking that it was buried
She realized her dream after thinking that it was buried
She realized her dream after thinking that it was buried
8 April 2019   04:29

Women have been deprived of their right to learn, like many rights over the past decades, as a result of the masculine mentality imposed on society.

As the spark of Rojava Revolution launched, women played a prominent role in guiding society, and managed to reach what they had lost in their lives.

The citizen Alif Rashid is at 53, the mother of a struggler, seven young women and men, the member of the women commune of Guli Selmo in the western section of Sheikh Maqsoud district and is considered one of the women who lost their right to learn.

She joined the course opened by the commune of  Guli Selmo to realize the long-awaited dream after she thought that her dream had been buried and impossible to be achieved as she was deprived of learning at the age of nine in her village.

She receives her lessons three days a week for an hour and a half per day, along with 15 women of different ages and their oldest is Alif, after the commune sought to educate all women, whether they are within or outside the commune by the activities they carry out through meetings, visits and trainings.

Alif Rashid said in this regard, "The customs and traditions of society ruled women with ignorance and illiteracy, but with the opening of learning the mother tongue course in the neighborhood, I went to achieve my long-awaited dream."

She pointed out that now, she began to read simple words and sentences and she was able to read the posters written in Kurdish in the neighborhood.

Alif Rashid concluded saying, "Learning is a necessary and important item of society because whoever establish the future generation are the women, so I devoted my whole life to teaching my eight children.