Video shows brutality of Turkish occupation mercenaries in occupied territories

Don't you want to pay?? Will you pay or not?? In this brutal manner, the mercenaries demand that 2 young men under torture pay ransom to release them.

Video shows brutality of Turkish occupation mercenaries in occupied territories
31 March 2024   12:08

A video  on social media shows the brutality of the Turkish occupation mercenaries in dealing with the people remaining in the occupied areas, where one of the Turkish occupation mercenaries tortures 2 young men and beats them to force them to pay the ransom in exchange for their release.

While torturing the two young men, the mercenary says in Turkish: “Don’t you want to pay??? Will you pay or not?? You only have one hour left, one hour," while one of the two young men replied, "I spoke to my family."

Since the occupation of the city of Afrin by the Turkish occupation army, the region has not been spared from the evil and crimes of the Turkish occupation, including murder, rape, and torture, in addition to the policies of demographic change.
