Turkish state annexes occupied Syrian territories

The Turkish occupation state establishes new borders 15 kilometers deep within the occupied Syrian areas in NE Syria.

Turkish state annexes occupied Syrian territories
25 January 2024   10:09

 According to information received from security sources in the occupied regions, the Turkish occupation state is establishing new borders with a depth of 15 kilometers within the territory of NE Syrian region on the border with northern Kurdistan, in the occupied regions of Serêkaniyê, Girê Spi, Suluk, Jarabulus, al-Bab, and Afrin. .

The sources stated that the Turkish occupation state began digging trenches and building walls east of the city of Serêkaniyê at a depth of 15 kilometers in the occupied areas.

The trench digging work is still ongoing, and  the occupation plans to extend this wall from east of Serêkaniyê all the way to west of Girê Spi at the same depth.

The sources also indicated that the occupation is planning to build a similar wall in the areas of Jarabulus, Al-Bab, Azaz, and Afrin, but its depth has not been revealed.

According to the same sources, the occupying state is digging trenches from north to south on the borders of the contact areas between the occupied areas and the Autonomous Areas.

Turkish intelligence mercenaries assigned to protect trenches

According to information the Turkish occupation state has assigned the mercenaries of the “First Brigade” in the so-called “National Army” to guard these trenches. These mercenaries are led by the name Abu Ahmed Zakour.

According to information, Ahmed Zakour is known as the second man in Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham. But about a month ago, disagreements occurred between him and the first official in Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham, Abu Muhammad al-Julani. Al-Julani accused the mercenary Ahmed Zakour of “leaking information to the mercenaries of Sultan Murad (Sultan Murad is affiliated with Turkish intelligence) and a military operation was carried out against him.

As a result, Ahmed Zakour fled to the Azaz region and handed himself to the Turkish intelligence service. The Turkish intelligence placed under his command a group of 500 people from the mercenaries were sent to the occupied areas of Girê Spi and Serêkaniyê, and according to information, these mercenaries entered these areas on the 17th of January of this year.

Dissatisfaction of the villagers

Among the villages where citizens expressed their dissatisfaction is the village of Daudiyeh, east of Serêkaniyê. Footage shows the villagers expressing their dissatisfaction and anger at the Turkish occupation and mercenaries.
