Signature collection campaign in Manbij reaches every home

Manbij canton is witnessing a massive turnout for a campaign to collect signatures for the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan. Participants in the campaign assured the whole world that “the people of Manbij, with all their components, have their only goal being to have their leader among them.”

Signature collection campaign in Manbij reaches every home
Signature collection campaign in Manbij reaches every home
Signature collection campaign in Manbij reaches every home
Signature collection campaign in Manbij reaches every home
Signature collection campaign in Manbij reaches every home
Signature collection campaign in Manbij reaches every home
Signature collection campaign in Manbij reaches every home
28 February 2024   03:01

The campaign to collect signatures demanding the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan, which Manbij canton joined on February 17, continues, with all residents participating in it. Almost a street in the city is devoid of campaign participants, and this is evidence of their attachment to the ideas of leader Abdullah Ocalan.

The participants in the campaign to collect signatures confirmed in statements to ANHA's agency that their voice is one: “Our demand is one and we do not accept an alternative, which is the freedom of our leader who brought us back to life after we were dead under the knives of terrorism and murder.”

In this regard, citizen Siham Hamidi, a woman from the city of Manbij, said: “The city of Manbij and its countryside are joining the campaign to collect signatures to demand the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan, and we participate in this campaign with all our will and strength in order to deliver our voice to international organizations. Let them know that we are all will and determination until we achieve it.” The physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan.”

Siham added: “This campaign continues in every neighborhood, street and neighborhood in the city of Manbij, and we, the components of Manbij, have united thanks to the philosophy and thought of the leader. Today, our voice is one and our demand is one and we do not accept an alternative, which is the freedom of our leader, who brought us back to life after we were dead under the knives of terrorism and murder.”

For his part, citizen Abdul Hanan Al-Hussein, a resident of the city of Manbij, said: “We in Manbij are carrying out a campaign to collect signatures in order to break the isolation of the leader and find out his mysterious fate for 3 years, the last period of which witnessed Turkey being exposed to several earthquakes, while preventing the leader’s lawyer and his family from checking on his condition."

Al-Hussein continued: "We will not tire until we know the fate of our leader and liberate him physically from Imrali prison and from the grip of Turkish fascism and the Justice and Development Party. All of our components come together as one body until the leader's freedom is achieved."

Abdul Hanan addressed Leader Abdullah Ocalan, saying: “We say to our leader, if your body is detained, then your thought and philosophy are with us, and we fight in every square, street, and alley with all our components, from the little child to the old man, without getting tired or bored until we meet you in the arenas of struggle, and we will meet no matter how much they try to prevent us.”

Ruqaya al-Abd al-Qadir, one of the women of Manbij, said in her speech: “We felt safe and peaceful with the thought of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, and today we are participating in a campaign to collect signatures to convey our voice to the whole world that our leader is our security and he is our peace, and we will sacrifice everything to be among us, and the world must be well aware of that.”

As for Roliana Al-Ali, one of the women of Manbij, she said: “All the people of Manbij are participating in the campaign to collect signatures for the leader’s physical freedom, and we are all resisting for the leader. We are the leader’s guerrillas, and by collecting signatures we say to the whole world that we are with our leader and with our struggle, our leader will be among us.”

For his part, Lama Ibrahim, a resident of the city of Manbij, stated, “This campaign is for the physical freedom of the leader Abdullah Ocalan, who has been resisting in Turkish fascist prisons for 25 years. The fact that the people gave their signatures with such intensity indicates the extent of their close connection to the thought and philosophy of the leader.”

  Al-Ibrahim stressed, “These crowds of Kurds, Arabs, Circassians, Turkmen, and Syriacs have met on one demand, which is the physical freedom of the leader, who is over 70 years old. Severe isolation is imposed on him, and this demand comes from the people’s urgent need to meet their leader.”

He added: “The policy followed against the leader is an unjust policy, a policy of torture, and far removed from human rights laws. Human rights organizations and all international humanitarian organizations must respond to our request to meet our leader and have him among us.”

T/ Satt.