Russia launches more than air strikes on ISIS spread in the Badia

Russian fighters launched more than 30 air strikes on the spread of ISIS mercenaries in the Syrian Badia.

Russia launches more than air strikes on ISIS spread in the Badia
31 March 2024   16:03

On Sunday, Russian warplanes carried out a series of air strikes that affected the deployment of ISIS mercenaries in the Syrian Badia, where more than 30 raids were launched, sites in the Rusafa Badia in the western countryside of Raqqa, the Badia of Palmyra and the Sokhna in the eastern countryside of Homs, and the Badia of Jabal al -Bishri, southwest of Deir-ez-Zor, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

This comes, after the dangerous and remarkable escalation of ISIS mercenaries in the areas controlled by the Damascus government forces, and the increasing field executions within the ranks of the Damascus government, where the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights documented within 48 hours the execution of 14 Damascus government forces, including two officers after An ambush carried out by ISIS mercenaries. In the Syrian Badia.

T/ Satt.