Panorama of the week: Turkey intensifies its movements in Iraq, killing of American soldiers increases tensions

Reports said that Erdogan lost his balance against the backdrop of the war in Gaza, as he did not succeed in being a central player, while the Turkish occupation state intensified its movements in Iraq and Southern Kurdistan, with the aim of pushing the Iraqi parties to participate in the war against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, while tension escalated between the United States. And the forces loyal to Iran, and this is what put Biden in an embarrassing position after the killing of American soldiers.

Panorama of the week: Turkey intensifies its movements in Iraq, killing of American soldiers increases tensions
11 February 2024   03:07

Arab newspapers published during the past week touched on the Turkish position on the war between Israel and Hamas, in addition to its intensive movements in Iraq and southern Kurdistan, in addition to the escalation between the United States of America and the forces loyal to Iran.

Erdogan loses his balance in the war between Israel and Hamas

Starting with Turkish policy in the region, and in this context, Al-Arab newspaper saw that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has become a central player in global affairs, by balancing competing interests, but in the conflict that is ravaging the Middle East, he risks being excluded from the game.

The newspaper pointed out that the issues of Gaza and the Palestinians are very sensitive, and Ankara cannot play a central role in addressing them. In the absence of a balanced approach, Ankara may have to be content with “watching the game.”

What is behind the intense activity on the Ankara-Baghdad Hewler line?

Regarding the Turkish movements in Iraq and Southern Kurdistan, Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper indicated that the Ankara-Baghdad-Hewler line has witnessed intense movement over recent months, and within the framework of high-level mutual visits, Turkish Defense Minister Yaşar Guler, accompanied by Army Chief of Staff Metin Gorak, visited Baghdad and Hewler on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the newspaper linked these visits to Turkey's attempt to push the Iraqi parties to participate in the fight against the Kurdistan Workers' Party.

US strikes in Syria and Iraq: a thin line between deterrence and escalation

Regarding the escalation between the United States of America and the forces loyal to Iran, and in this context, analysts for Al-Arab newspaper suggest that the American military strikes in Iraq and Syria will not deter the armed factions loyal to Iran from launching new strikes on American targets, which puts US President Joe Biden in a confusing situation to find... A balance between escalation and deterrence.

The United States is planning further actions against forces allied with Iran

In its turn, Al Hurra Network quoted Western reports and sources saying that the United States is planning more military strikes against forces allied with Iran in response to an attack that led to the death of three American soldiers in Jordan a week ago, after targeting Iran’s allies in three countries in the Middle East.

T/ Satt.