Mahmoud al-Muslat: We seek to bring together all components of Syria within SDC

The co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council, Mahmoud al-Musalat, explained that the council will focus its efforts on unifying the internal front in parallel with working on the external front, to activate the road map that it approved in its 4th conference.

Mahmoud al-Muslat: We seek to bring together all components of Syria within SDC
23 January 2024   03:03

Al-Muslat told ANHA agency, “First, the roadmap begins to open up to all Syrian components. The Syrian Democratic Council project is a Syrian-Syrian project par excellence, and we are working to bring together all components of Syria within the Syrian Democratic Council, to be the real alternative to the next Syria project.”

The co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council stressed that "the first step is to work on the internal front with the parties, through the political vision and the new social contract that has been widely opened to all Syrian components."

In addition to internal work, the Syrian Democratic Council will work to activate "external offices and parties in order to achieve our goal, the political vision and the road map of the Syrian Democratic Council," al-Muslat added, without specifying the places where those offices will be opened, their number, and the nature of their work.

Regarding the mechanisms for activating the road map, al-Muslat explained that it will be done through committees that will emerge from the Syrian Democratic Council, “the basis of which is building a pluralistic, secular, decentralized Syria, and the Syrian-Syrian dialogue with all components is the basis of their work.”

The Syrian Democratic Council had approved a road map to resolve the Syrian crisis at its 4th conference, held on December 20, 2023.

T/ Satt.