KCK calls on Iraq, KRG to oppose Turkish occupation

The Foreign Relations Committee of the Kurdistan Communities Union KCK called on Iraq and the forces of Southern Kurdistan to take positions against the Turkish occupation, warning of new occupation plans prepared by the occupying state with the complicity of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

KCK calls on Iraq, KRG to oppose Turkish occupation
22 February 2024   16:31

The text of the statement of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Kurdistan Communities Union KCK, which was translated into Arabic by al-Furat news agency, stated the following:

“The attack launched by the aircraft of the Turkish occupation state on Mount Sayar in the village of Kafya in the Dinart district of Bahdinan resulted in the martyrdom of two citizens from Southern Kurdistan, Bashir Omar Ali and Arif Taha, as they were targeted while they were working in the field of their village. We condemn this massacre and offer our deepest condolences to all the people of Southern Kurdistan, especially the families of the martyrs, as these brutal attacks confirm the reality of the Turkish occupation state, which is hostile to all Kurds, and considers the shedding of Kurdish blood and the elimination of the Kurdish homeland a legitimate act.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party imposes a new Anfal in cooperation with the Turkish occupation state

In the attacks of the Turkish occupation state on Southern Kurdistan so far, about a thousand villages have been evacuated and destroyed, as a result of which hundreds of citizens were martyred, hundreds were injured, and tens of thousands were displaced. Hundreds of Kurdistan freedom fighters were also martyred as a result of the use of chemical weapons. This new chemical attack, in addition to Anfal, is taking place. At the hands of the Turkish occupation state, and the authorities of the Kurdistan Democratic Party have become partners in this Anfal, as they were during the era of the Ba'ath regime, as they guide the Turkish occupation state to commit its crimes in addition to legitimizing those crimes, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party also prevents the national masses from taking any step regarding these crimes. The massacres, in other words, the Kurdistan Democratic Party imposes new Anfal on Kurdistan, at a time when the blood of citizens in Southern Kurdistan is being shed at the hands of the Turkish occupation state. The leaders of the Kurdistan Democratic Party welcome the Turkish leaders on the red carpet, hugging them and standing in front of the cameras.

New occupation plan

The fascist Turkish occupation state led by Erdogan and Bahceli is busy developing a new and comprehensive invasion plan against Southern Kurdistan, and the visit of the Turkish terrorism ministers to Hewler and Baghdad is a preparation for this attack, as the Kurdistan Democratic Party authorities want to drag the Iraqi state into cooperating with the Turkish occupation state in this new occupation attack, and therefore. We call on all forces and parties of Southern Kurdistan and the authorities of the Iraqi state to take a stand against these attacks and massacres carried out by the Turkish occupation state and to prevent Turkey from shedding more blood of the citizens of Southern Kurdistan.

Once again, we offer our deepest condolences to the people of Southern Kurdistan, especially to the families of the martyr Arif and the martyr Bashir, and we share their pain. We ask God to rest the souls of the two martyrs in peace and grant their families patience and solace. We also pledge that we will avenge all the martyrs against fascism, occupation and tyranny on the path of the martyr Helmet Derlock.

T/ Satt.