Iraqi professor: Turkey wants to implicate Iraq in suppressing Kurdish forces

The Secretary-General of the Arab Association for the Advocacy of the Kurdish Cause, Prof. Dr. Taseer al-Alusi, confirmed that Turkey wants to implicate Iraq in the repression of Kurdish forces both in Southern and Northern Kurdistan, referring to the Kurdistan Workers' Party. Noting that these forces have long sought peace and democratic coexistence, he warned of the seriousness of Turkey's moves in Iraq and its convention, which he saw as capturing the Iraqi State.

Iraqi professor: Turkey wants to implicate Iraq in suppressing Kurdish forces
29 March 2024   04:30

In the past, the Turkish occupying state has intensified its movements in Iraq and Southern Kurdistan, with defence, foreign and intelligence officials visiting Baghdad and Hewler several times.

The occupying state sought to induce the Iraqi parties to participate in the fight against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) by blackmailing the Iraqi Government with several files, most notably water.

A decline in policy in Iraq

Secretary-General of the Arab Association for the Advocacy of the Kurdish Cause, Iraqi Professor Dr. Taseer al-Alusi, spoke to ANHA's agency about this and said: "There are indeed tangible retreats from the entire post-2003 march and its modest achievements won by the people. and, perhaps most notably, the reversal of the identity of the democratic option, the suppression of rights and the confiscation of freedoms, This further prejudiced the attempt to confiscate the Iraqi State's federal identity by retracting all constitutional articles by procrastinating and procrastinating their implementation, such as article 140. Or by withdrawing powers from federal authority in Southern Kurdistan while exploiting the different Kurdish forces in the Territory ".

Taseer al-Alusi added: "The new game of power, which has become central by exposing and leaving the federal feature and transformed to legitimize a House of Representatives, is one of the wings of legislative power, not that power as stipulated in the Constitution. In particular, the existence of the Council of the Federation or the Second Chamber of the Legislature and the uptake of its federal national powers, together with the decisions of the Federal Court, which, as we know, operates in accordance with the pre-constitutional law and its adoption by the sovereignty of the people's vote thereon; We are now by virtue of central decisions that have not taken the interests of the nation and the people as their priority as those of the ruling power parties and their approach. "

Security agreements violating sovereignty

"One of the last actions of the Authority was its silence on the existence of dozens of Turkish military bases and hundreds of positions and points that violate sovereignty. to conclude security agreements worse than their sovereignty violation that they drag the feet of power to participate in the suppression of Kurdish forces in Northern Kurdistan in the sense of being drawn into an internal issue in Turkey that has no interest of the Turkish authority in suppressing the Kurdish will, which has always sought peace and democratic co-existence except that they have found no one to stand with them in the face of power repeatedly condemned by the European Union for having committed and perpetrated against tens of millions of Turkish citizens solely because of their different national identity as well as their right to self-determination and to an international covenant and agreements ".

Many risks facing Iraq

He cautioned against this, saying: "This delusion implicates Iraq completely, just as Southern Kurdistan and its people are pushing for fabricated conflict situations that do not serve peace, as it violates the right of the Kurds in all its territories to defend their existence and to fulfil their demands without having to make such sacrifices because of the intransigence of the Turkish authorities."

"The repercussions of the situation are foreshadowed by a new Turkish invasion. They violate the land and its sovereignty and are killed indiscriminately, and the pretext is ready. Indeed, they are above Iraq's involvement, depriving it under pressure of its right to its water share, to prevent pollution and environmental changes and, among other things, not limited to the oil file."

"What is needed is an immediate international voice to protect the region from a potential flare-up that is imminent," he said:" before the region pays another high price as it pays today in countries of the region, this is just a brief picture of the horrors being prepared in the light of Iraq's capture and involvement agreements. But they are more complicated in their effects than hasty interpretations, and let us be alerted to things and put in place peaceful alternatives that cease harm to all the peoples and States of the region from the recklessness that drives serious and catastrophic collapses."

T/ Satt.