HPG launches qualitative operations against Turkish occupation 

The People's Defense Forces HPG carried out a series of qualitative operations that resulted in casualties among Turkish occupation soldiers, and the destruction of camera systems and ambushes, while the Turkish occupation army launched attacks with prohibited weapons on the defense areas in the range.

HPG launches qualitative operations against Turkish occupation 
13 June 2024   15:47

The Media Center of the People's Defense Forces issued a statement regarding the operations carried out by its forces and the attacks launched by the Turkish occupation army. It stated:

In the Avashin area:

* On June 11, at 17:00, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in Kani Bey Square with semi-automatic weapons.

In the Kafr area:

* On June 6, two ambushes of the occupiers were destroyed on the road between Kafr and Shamzanan.

In the Matina area:

* On June 12 at 17:45, our forces destroyed two surveillance camera systems of the Turkish occupation army in the Resistance Square in Serre Metina using sniper tactics.

In the area of Martyr Dalil, west of Zap:

* On June 11 at 05:40, Free Women’s Units fighters shot down a Turkish drone in the resistance square in Judi Hill with individual weapons.

At 06:00, the Turkish occupation army's surveillance camera system in the Resistance Square in Judi Hill was destroyed through a sniper operation.

At 10:30, our forces targeted the enemy army that attempted to move in the resistance square on Judi Hill with heavy weapons, resulting in the injury of a Turkish soldier.

At 18:40, Free Women’s Units fighters shot down a Turkish drone in the resistance square in Judi Hill with individual weapons.

* On June 12 at 06:30, the Turkish occupation army’s surveillance camera system was destroyed in the Resistance Square in Judi Hill.

At 08:15 and 09:35, the enemy army was targeted in the Resistance Square on Amdiya Hill with heavy weapons.

At 10:15, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in the resistance square in Amdiya Hill with semi-automatic weapons, and directed strikes at an occupation site.

At 16:30, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in the resistance square in Amdiya Hill with semi-automatic weapons, and directed strikes at an occupation site.

Turkish occupation army attacks with banned explosives:

* On June 11, the Turkish occupation army bombed the war tunnels in the Resistance Square in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, with banned explosives.

Turkish occupation army attacks:

* On June 11 and 12, warplanes bombed 7 times; Zirkel and Bestos Hill squares in the Qandil region, and once the Martyr Ibrahim Resistance Square in the Zap region, and twice the Kafia Plain Square in the Gari region, and twice the Kani Bey Square in the Haftanin region, and 6 times the resistance squares in Shilaz, and Serre Metina and Bishil in the Metina region.

* On June 12, Turkish attack helicopters bombed the Resistance Square in Sere Metina in the Metina area.

T/ Satt.