Hawar news agency plan ANHA 5/22/2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 5/22/2024
22 May 2024   02:00

The people of Deir ez-Zor condemned the strict isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan. They also denounced Turkey's violation of international regulations and laws regarding its detainees, and rejected the so-called "disciplinary sanctions."

28 parties and organizations lost the right to run in municipal elections in North and East Syria, because they did not obtain a license to practice work within the region and review the Parties Affairs Committee.

Patrols go out side by side with harvesters and farmers while harvesting agricultural crops, to protect them from any fires, and deploy points of emergency committees and people, in actual steps taken in North and East of Syria.

A researcher on Iranian affairs ruled out that the incident of the Iranian president and his companions losing their lives would have a major impact on Iran’s influence, and the reason for this was that Tehran had carefully drawn and prepared plans in advance.

The Hajin Military Council is organizing a public meeting with the families of the fighters, in the town square of Hajin at 09:00 (video and photos attached)

The Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan continues its special tour visiting political parties in Qamishlo, which it began in the context of the global campaign “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue” on May 14.

The Council of Families of Martyrs in the district of Girkê Legê gives a statement to denounce the isolation imposed on the leader Abdullah Ocalan, in front of his center located in the town of Rmelan, at 10:00 (attached with photos and video)

The people of the Tel Hamis district go out in a march to denounce the extension of isolation on the leader Abdullah Ocalan, with the participation of the people of the Tirbespiyê

district. The march begins in front of the traffic center in the Tel Hamis district, at 12:00, (photos and video attached).