Hawar news agency plan ANHA 1-5-2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 1-5-2024
1 May 2024   02:00

The people of Tal Tamr district in Al-Jazira canton confirmed that the international regimes, by following a policy of turning a blind eye to popular demands, in the context of the global campaign for the freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan, are deepening the global crises (photos and video attached).

An Iraqi researcher called on his country not to make concessions to Turkey at the expense of Iraq's sovereignty, pointing out that Erdogan has expansionist ambitions in large areas in northern Iraq to restore the dream of the Ottoman Empire (attached with photos).

For decades, Kurdish literary productions remained in a dark, hidden tunnel without printing or publishing, but today the Kurdish cultural scene is witnessing the birth of committed literature, which, despite all the difficulties and shortcomings, has taken a turn in the right direction (attached with photos and video).

The spirit of cooperation brought together 6 women from the villages of Amuda district in North and East Syria, in an agricultural cooperative, to strengthen the principle of self-reliance and push the economy in the region forward (attached with photos and video).

Like a restless beehive, even with the advent of their Eid, the workers of the People’s Municipality in the Sheikh Maqsoud and Ashrafieh neighborhoods in the city of Aleppo persevere in cleaning the two neighborhoods and preserving their splendor like unknown soldiers whose goal is to serve the community and preserve the future of its environment (photos and video attached).

The siege imposed by the Damascus government on the Sheikh Maqsoud and Ashrafieh neighborhoods caused the process of installing an electricity transformer in the Bani Zeid neighborhood to take five months, while it only takes one month to supply 600 homes with electricity. It also prevented the introduction of other transformers (photos and video attached).

The families of the martyrs from the people of Afrin denounced the Barzani family’s collusion with the Turkish occupation state, and said: “We must not consider them Kurds anymore, because they are fighting us under the Turkish flag” (attached with pictures and video).

On the occasion of International Workers’ Day, massive celebrations are organized in North and East Syria, where a celebration is organized in the Al-Ma’amil area in the western countryside of Deir ez-Zor, at 10:00, and in Raqqa canton, the Democratic Community Organizations and the Toilers’ Union organize a celebration in the Al-Taj Hall, and a celebration is organized in Al-Hassoun Stadium in the city of Manbij. At 10:00, in Tirbespiyê, the Kurdish Left Party in Syria organizes a celebration at the Mizqft Dam at 10:00.

In Al-Shahba and Afrin cantons, the Democratic Community Movement is organizing a celebration in Sardam camp, at 16:00, and organizing a celebration in Azadi Park in the city of Qamishlo, at 16:00, and in the city of Al-Hasakah, the Toilers’ Union is organizing a celebration in Sardam Park in Mushayrifa neighborhood, at 16:00, and in Dirk, it is organizing a celebration at the Revolutionary Youth Center. , at 17:00, in addition to a celebration in Al-Hassoun Stadium in the city of Manbij, at 17:00, and in Aleppo, a celebration will be held in the Star Light Hall in the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood, at 17:00, organized by the Toilers’ Union (photos and video attached).

The people of the Sheikh Maqsoud and Ashrafieh neighborhoods in the city of Aleppo flock to the tent set up by the Martyrs’ Families Council to offer their condolences to the family of the martyr Dashti at 12:00 (photos and video attached).

-The activities of the “Literature Week” organized by the Diwan of Literature in North and East Syria will continue on the fifth day at the Ain Diwar Hotel in the city of Derik, Jazira canton, at 17.00 (photos and video attached).