Habitants of Shahba in real catastrophe

All vital facilities are closed are in Shahba over the government's stifling siege, whereas one-month-old girl lost her life as a result of the extreme cold.

Habitants of Shahba in real catastrophe
Habitants of Shahba in real catastrophe
Habitants of Shahba in real catastrophe
Habitants of Shahba in real catastrophe
Habitants of Shahba in real catastrophe
Habitants of Shahba in real catastrophe
Habitants of Shahba in real catastrophe
Habitants of Shahba in real catastrophe
10 December 2023   11:00

The members of the emergency institutions in the Autonomous Administration go there on foot in order to manage urgent and necessary matters of people.

As the Damascus government continues to tighten its siege on the Shahba area, the displaced people of Afrin living in camps within the Shahba areas, as well as the sick residents of Al-Shahba are unable to reach hospitals, which in turn declared a state of emergency as a result of the shortage of diesel fuel.

Worth to note that one of the most prominent difficulties facing the residents of Shahba is the lack of medicines and the loss of some other types of supplies as a result of the siege, which threatens the lives of hundreds of people and makes their livelihood more difficult.

All departments of Afrin General Hospital have stopped, except for the intensive care and operations department, as a result of the lack of fuel to operate the electricity generator.

In these cold days, the residents of Shahba and those displaced from Afrin in the camps suffer from a lack of capabilities that help them with heating, where the Internet was cut off in many areas within the city as a result of the loss of “diesel” engine fuel that feeds broadcast stations, which affects media work and the transmission of information. The events taking place in that region are exposed to public opinion, especially at a time when the areas of Shahba are exposed almost daily to attacks by the Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries.

ANHA agency's correspondents reported that the baby, Suzdar Hassan, who was only one month old, died in the Sardam camp for Afrin's displaced people on December 2, as a result of the extreme cold.

Despite the stifling siege and Turkish attacks, the displaced people of Afrin and the residents of Shahba continue their resistance and struggle to live in dignity on their land.
