Expert in terrorist groups warns ISIS insurgency once again 

An expert in terrorist groups considered that the final elimination of ISIS requires the Global Coalition to dismantle the hotbeds in which mercenaries operate and eliminate the environment in which they thrive. He stressed, "International forces have not participated, up to this moment, in solving this real problem."

Expert in terrorist groups warns ISIS insurgency once again 
23 February 2024   05:02

During a briefing to the UN Security Council on February 15, UN Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism, Vladimir Voronkov, reviewed the report that addresses the threat posed by ISIS to international peace and security.

The report noted that although ISIS and its affiliated groups faced leadership attrition and financial setbacks, they maintained their ability to launch attacks and plan to threaten outside their areas of operations. The threat of the re-emergence of ISIS remained in Syria and Iraq, and the activities of its affiliated groups contributed to the deterioration of the situation in parts of West Africa and the Sahel region.

The threat of ISIS still exists

The expert on terrorist groups, Mounir Adeeb, spoke to our agency about this, saying: “The United Nations’ warning regarding the danger of ISIS is a valid warning. Announcing the fall of this state does not mean the collapse of this organization, its crushing, or its absence from the scene. The organization still exists through active and sleeping cells that represent a major threat to international peace and security.”

He pointed out that "ISIS still poses a great danger, by carrying out operations that appear to be qualitative in both Syria and Iraq, the two countries in which the organization succeeded in establishing a state for itself by controlling some lands there, and therefore this danger may be an important feature in reading the organization's status, and the great danger it represents to international peace and security."

These warnings are insufficient and require additional steps

Adeeb believes that the warnings are insufficient and that there is a need “to confront a greater threat from the organization. The Globlal Coalition must carry out its same tasks, but military tools and tactics may change to confront the development of the organization’s work in its various stages and its current stage, which seems new, and this necessitates continuing the confrontation and taking form for this.” "The confrontation looks different from the previous format."

The expert in the affairs of terrorist groups pointed out that the main reasons for the continued threat of ISIS are “the appropriate environment and incentives that are still present for it to carry out its activities, continue with its ideas, or carry out terrorist operations, and here the danger of the organization appears to be that the appropriate environment through which the organization emerged is still present, and this it is the greatest danger from the presence of the organization, which is what prompted the United Nations to warn of this presence.”

A new army of mercenaries in the camps

On February 6, when the Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria completed the third phase of the “Humanitarian and Security” operation in al-Hol Camp, they criticized the low level of international interest “and the fulfillment of their responsibilities towards this dangerous and escalating file, especially the international organizations and institutions concerned, which makes solving this dilemma is very difficult."

Adeeb stressed that “the international community has not participated until this moment in solving this real problem that appears to be time bombs threatening the security of the entire world. These hotbeds must be dismantled and these extremists must return to their countries and be tried there, but through the return of these families to their countries.” Where they came from, and therefore either integrate it into society or try them for the crimes they committed or deal with its according to the laws that govern the countries from which they came, but the most important thing is to dismantle these hotspots in which young people learn the art of terrorism, and I believe that these hotspots are where a new army for ISIS is produced and these "the most important risk."

Intense activity in West Africa and the search for a “new caliphate” there

In a related context, Adeeb warned that the military coups that struck the countries of West Africa and the fragility of the political systems there may enable ISIS to declare its state in western Africa.

T/ Satt.