Al-Asr Office lawyers submit a new request to meet with Imrali detainees

Leader Abdullah Ocalan's lawyers submitted a new request to the Bursa Public Prosecutor's Office and the Imrali Prison Directorate; To meet their client and other Imrali detainees.

Al-Asr Office lawyers submit a new request to meet with Imrali detainees
28 November 2023   19:05

Lawyers of the Asr Human Rights Office, Ibrahim Bilmez, Razia Ozturk, Cengiz Yurkli, and Imran Emkji, submitted a new request to the Bursa Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Imrali Prison Directorate, to meet with their clients, leader Abdullah Ocalan, who has not received any information since March 25, 2021, and Omer Khairy Kunar, Hamili Yildirim, and Veysi Aktaş.

Lawyers submit a meeting request twice a week, without receiving any response, against the backdrop of disciplinary penalties.

Leader Abdullah Ocalan has been detained for more than 24 years in Imrali Island prison, following an international conspiracy carried out by international and regional forces in 1999 in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, and handed him over to the Turkish occupation state.

T/ Satt.