3-day long Foot march for leader Ocalan 

Hundreds of young people from NE Syria set off on a long foot march within the framework of the activities of the global campaign “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue,” from the city of Qamishlo to the city of Derik.

 3-day long Foot march for leader Ocalan 
 3-day long Foot march for leader Ocalan 
 3-day long Foot march for leader Ocalan 
 3-day long Foot march for leader Ocalan 
 3-day long Foot march for leader Ocalan 
 3-day long Foot march for leader Ocalan 
 3-day long Foot march for leader Ocalan 
 3-day long Foot march for leader Ocalan 
 3-day long Foot march for leader Ocalan 
29 November 2023   12:51

Under the initiative of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement and the Young Women's Union, hundreds of young men and women in NE Syria set off on a long foot march from in front of the March 12 Martyrs Stadium in the city of Qamishlo, to the city of Derik.

The march continues for 3 days, during which young people cover a distance estimated at 100 km, within the framework of the global campaign that was launched on October 10, in 74 centers, “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue.” The long march program will include various activities in every a city, a district, and a town.

The march began at the March 12 Martyrs Stadium in the city of Qamishlo, and it is scheduled to end with a protest demonstration on December 1 in the city of Derik.
