Ghaith Naissa calls on the Syrians; democratic forces to rally around AANES

The Syrian opponent , Ghaith Naissa, confirmed that Turkey is exploiting the general violent context and the major transformations to further its expansionist policies in Syria, noting that one of its most prominent goals is to dismantle the national AANES' project, which is considered the only way out of the catastrophic Syrian situation, calling on all Syrians and national forces to rally around the country. About the Autonomous Administration and its popular, political and military forces.

Ghaith Naissa calls on the Syrians; democratic forces to rally around AANES
13 Decemberember 2023   03:31

Over the past few days, the Turkish occupation state has intensified its attacks on the regions of NE, Syria, targeting infrastructure, vital facilities, and populated neighborhoods and villages.

Despite the international and official silence of governments in the region, these attacks received condemning reactions from community circles, experts, researchers, and political figures.

Turkey is exploiting the global violent context

The Syrian opposition figure and general coordinator of the Syrian Revolutionary Left Movement, Dr. Ghaith Naissa, spoke about these attacks by saying: “For about a year, we have been witnessing major transformations that are shaking the global hegemonic system, and the wars, conflicts, and sanctions that followed between the major conflicting countries. This general context of global violence has allowed countries regionalism: The intensification of its expansionist policies, especially with regard to our country, Syria. The Turkish state’s intensification in its expansionist and aggressive policies, especially towards the Autonomous Administration regions in NE, Syria.

He added, "Also, this global conflict and the resulting sharp alignments of countries into wrestling blocs lead, in part, to neglecting and ignoring the just issues of peoples, as we find today regarding their positions towards the Palestinian people. They did the same thing of neglect and lack of interest towards the issue of the people." The Kurds and the Syrian people, and their rights to freedom, peace and justice, which prompts us to repeat the fact that the major and regional countries act only according to their own interests and not according to the rights of the peoples.”

He continued, "The other evidence of this in Syria is the devastating war that Erdogan's regime is waging against our people in NE, Syria, where this criminal regime not only kills and assassinates the sons and daughters of our people, but also destroys the basics of life for millions of Syrians, which is what Israel is doing today in Gaza. And it is being done in Gaza." This is done silently or even with the blessing of major countries that claim to be keen on democracy and human rights.

He pointed out, "This is a repeated lesson that must be remembered well, that the oppressed and oppressed peoples have no ally except the struggling peoples and their forces fighting for freedom, and the experiences of revolutions have proven that whoever bets on the support of major hegemonic countries ends up defeated and surrendered."

Dismantling the national project that carries a serious way out of the disaster

Regarding the goals of these attacks, Naissa pointed out, “It wants to dismantle this project as a Syrian national project carrying a serious way out of the catastrophic situation that our country is experiencing. On the other hand, Turkey aims to abort any project that carries a just solution to the issue of the legitimate national rights of the Kurdish people, because the Kurdish state issue is one of the issues in which the Turkish state refuses to provide a just solution. Finally, Turkey wants to foil any project that unites the real and independent Syrian democratic forces, most notably the AANES' forces, to leave the door wide for Turkey and its mercenaries as an active party in the settlement, according to the Astana countries, for the Syrian situation, i.e. restoring the Syrian situation. "An authoritarian and sectarian production will not be a solution to the Syrian situation, but rather a project for a long-term civil war."

All Syrians and democratic forces must rally around the Autonomous Administration

Naissa stressed, “In the face of the international silence over Turkey’s crimes in north-eastern Syria, as well as its silence about what is happening in Gaza, it requires condemnation, confrontation, and a clear and tangible solidarity stance first from all Syrian democratic forces, and also from all liberation forces in the world, as the peoples’ struggle from the goal of its liberation is the same at the local, regional and global levels.”

Naissa concluded his speech by saying: “In the Syrian situation, the interest of the Syrian people and their democratic forces is at the heart of the balance of power, and charting a better future requires a firm stance to stand with the Autonomous Administration, rally around it, and support its popular, political and military forces in confronting the Turkish monster, which is becoming more brutal due to its failure to eliminate the will of the peoples for freedom and dignity and their right to self-determination alone.”

T/ Satt.