​​​​​​​Mohammad Shaheen: Life in occupied territories is unbearable

Mohammad Shaheen confirmed that life in the areas occupied by Turkey is unbearable, and he said: "They are governed by the law of the jungle, and kidnappings, looting, stealing, ransom demands, and rape from those who remain appear to the public on a daily basis. We do not know any safe areas that the occupying state is talking about."

​​​​​​​Mohammad Shaheen: Life in occupied territories is unbearable
6 August 2023   00:42

The Turkish occupation state continues its crimes in the occupied territories, foremost of which are the operations of demographic change in the areas it occupied in Syria, this time through the card of the Syrian refugees who entered its lands.

After finishing of the Turkish elections on May 28, the Turkish authorities began to enter the Syrian refugees and mercenary families into the areas they occupied in Syria, especially in Afrin, Girê Spî /Tal Abyed and Serêkaniyê/ Ras al-Ain, and the last entry process was on August 4, when a batch of settlers was admitted to the canton. The occupied Girê Spî numbered 120 settlers, including 10 Iraqis, who were handed over to the mercenaries of the military police at the border gate, in preparation for their settlement in the homes of the forcibly displaced.

The co-chair of the Executive Council in the Euphrates region, Mohammad Shaheen, confirmed that: “The Turkish state took advantage of the Syrian crisis from several sides, and implemented many plans at the expense of the Syrian people, and established areas inside Syria according to its interests, and settled individuals who support its plans, and put all its energy to achieve what you aspire to."

Shaheen added: "In order for the Turkish occupation state to be able to reach its goals, it practiced the policy of procrastinating , gaining the sympathy of the Syrian people who were deceived by the Turkish promises, as it made itself the guardian of the Syrian people, among those who unfortunately fell victim to its plans, and on the other hand trained mercenaries and brought them into the Syrian land, and through them occupied several areas in Syria after destroying the infrastructure of those cities.

Shaheen emphasized that life in the areas occupied by Turkey today is unbearable, and he said: "They are governed by the law of the jungle, and kidnappings, looting, stealing, ransom demand, and rape from those who remain there appear to the public on a daily basis. We do not know any safe areas that the occupying state is talking about; about the disputes that. It appears daily among the mercenaries on citizens' money, or about the racism practiced against the components? Turkey has turned the occupied areas into a hotbed of terrorism, not to mention its expulsion of the indigenous population and the settlement of mercenary families in it."

According to what was documented by sources of ANHA's agency, the Turkish occupation state deports about 100 citizens daily to the occupied regions, through the 4 crossings with the occupied Syrian regions, as it brought 15 families of its Syrian mercenaries from the Turkish territories to the occupied Serêkaniyê region last Monday, and also deported more than 2,000 families moved to the occupied Afrin canton from the Al-Hamam village crossing in Janders district, at the beginning of this year, and settled them in it, and more than 10,000 families moved to the rest of the occupied areas through the Bab Al-Hawa crossings north of Idlib, Bab Al-Salama in the city of Azaz, the Girê Spî crossing, and Serêkaniyê , since the beginning of 2023, and the deportation process is still going on.

“Whoever puts himself at the mercy of the occupying power is in an unenviable position.”

The co-chair of the Council in the Euphrates region, Mohammad Shaheen, pointed out that whoever puts himself at the mercy of the Turkish occupation state is in an unenviable position: "Especially under the current circumstances, where the refugee is humiliated and his rights are not safeguarded, and he is subjected to racism by Turkish mercenaries, not to mention forcible deportation of them by the Turkish authorities, and for this reason, the Syrians, who have relied on the authorities of the Turkish occupation state since day one, are required to review themselves, and not to be dragged behind the Turkish promises that only care about their own interest in the first place.

Mohammad Shaheen emphasized by saying: "We are facing a new map of the region after the centenary of Lausanne, and this time everyone will pay the price if the Turkish occupation state succeeds in implementing its plans, so everyone must unify their voices in the face of the occupying state and its settlement policies.

T/ Satt.