Lawyer: Turkish attacks on Başûr flagrant violation of international laws

The co-chair of the Union of the lawyers in Serê Kaniyê area confirmed that the attacks of the AKP on Başûr are flagrant of the international laws.

Lawyer: Turkish attacks on Başûr flagrant violation of international laws
1 July 2019   04:12

AKP continues launching its attacks and shilling on the areas of Başûr Kurdistan which led to the martyrdom of many civilians and the destruction of the villages in the area amid the silence of KRG, Iraqi government  and the international silence.

"The Turkish state has been carrying out these criminal acts for nearly 40 years, under the pretext of fighting PKK, the party that is fighting for the rights of our people in northern Kurdistan, "," said the lawyer, Mahmoud Jamil, to ANHA

He stressed that Turkey's brutal actions and the killing of civilians is a violation and a flagrant violation of all relevant international laws and norms.

The attacks of the Turkish state is a blatant attack on the sovereignty of the Kurdistan region

Jamil pointed out that what the Turkish occupation is doing is an attack on human rights, It destroys stone, humans and trees.

"We condemn and denounce these criminal acts of the Turkish occupation. We also condemn the silence of the international community and the silence of the Kurdistan Regional Government, because the aggression is blatant against the sovereignty of the region.

He pointed out that the leader of the Kurdish people Abdullah Ocalan called for creating a ground for reaching a peaceful solution and achieving peace, implementing the peace agreement and entering into direct dialogue to establish basic rules for the protection of peace and security in Turkey and the realization of the rights of the Kurdish people within the Turkish state.

A delegation of parties in Rojava went to the Kurdistan region to discuss the unity of the Kurdish class, and access to hold a national conference of Kurdistan, which sets a comprehensive policy for all parts of Kurdistan so as not to conflict positions, and the search for the possibility of finding ways to unite the Kurdish forces in general.

The lawyer Jamil appealed at the end of his speech, the Kurdistan Regional Government, to break its silence to denounce the practices of the Turkish state, and put an end to the government of the Justice and Development Party to stop these violations.