Turkish writer: Turkey drifts to oppressive regime closer to Russia’s

A Turkish writer who is opposed to a French newspaper warned of dragging Turkey into an oppressive regime that is closer to the two regimes of Russia and Iran.

Turkish writer: Turkey drifts to oppressive regime closer to Russia’s
27 March 2018   11:22

March 27, 2018 News

NEWS DESK- Nadeem Gorsel referred to the dangers of the fake opposition in an indication to the head of the Republican People Party Kemal Kiligdar Oglu. He also described the policy of the Turkish state lead by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as suicide.

The Turkish writer Nadeem Gorsel said in the March 25 issue of the Liberation Newspaper, "The military escalation in North Syria does not only refer to the shift in the conflict, but to returning the growing suicide to the policy of the Turkish state."

This comes on the time when Turkey with mercenary gangs occupied Afrin area that is located in the northwest of Syria, and it threatens to expand its aggression to other areas of North Syria and North Iraq.

The writer continued, "Since the coup d'état that has failed, Turkey has no longer been linked to democracy as its commanders claim at every occasion."

The Turkish authorities have arrested more than 50,000 people on charges of being connected to the coup attempt or belonging to Fathullah Gulen group who dwells in the US, and who is accused of masterminding the coup attempt by the Turkish authorities.

Nadeem Gorsel pointed out that Turkey's intellectuals, writers, journalists and academics have been arrested while the Kurdish opposition parties are still suffering from repression.

Gorsel commented saying, "The Turkish state is gradually drifting towards absolute tyranny that makes it closer to the Iranian and Russian regimes.

The Turkish writer continued, "The Turkish intervention into North Syria is an absolute decline of democratic values in the country."

Nadeem Gorsel added, “The current opposition in Turkey is fake, especially that its representative Kamal Kiligdar Oglu stays at his palace in Ankara while the real opponents are in prisons.”

The author believes that Turkey would not be a peaceful democratic state unless it gets rid of its authoritarian and oppressive militarism.