Shahouz Hassan: Newroz truth is renewed in Afrin

"The will of the people and the fighters in Afrin canton is stronger than all the weapons and planes of Turkish occupation state," said the co-chair of Democratic Unionist Party Shahuz Hassan. "This year, we will be more motivated to uphold the principles and symbols of this holiday and support the continuation of resistance in Afrin.

Shahouz Hassan: Newroz truth is renewed in Afrin
21 March 2018   09:43


AL-HASAKAH-"The will of the people and the fighters in Afrin canton is stronger than all the weapons and planes of Turkish occupation state," said the co-chair of Democratic Unionist Party Shahuz Hassan. "This year, we will be more motivated to uphold the principles and symbols of this holiday and support the continuation of resistance in Afrin.

Shahuz Hassan blessed Newroz on all the struggling peoples, especially the people of Afrin canton who faced the strongest expiation organizations

Hassan said, "Newroz is the day of resistance and steadfastness in the face of fascism and capitalism, in the history of mankind, the peoples of Middle East are considered a holy day. But the people of Kurdistan consider Newroz the day of freedom."

Hassan pointed out that this year Newroz is different from the past years, since this year Turkish occupation state launched two months ago barbaric attacks on the people of Afrin and committed massacres against them. He added: "Throughout history, Newroz has been a symbol of freedom, peace and unity of peoples and cohesion, the forces of darkness and tyranny. Newroz will remain, as we have said, the month of resistance, freedom and victory. His resistance and victorious color will be the spring of peoples. All nations must unite in their struggle to gain their freedom and defeat the forces of tyranny and terrorism.

Hassan noted that the international silence on the crimes of Turkish regime in Afrin has led to more war crimes committed against its people there and caused humanitarian disasters, such as the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the continuation of this unjustified silence will lead to greater tragedies. "All countries are partners in genocide Militant people ".

"The current scene in Afrin is not the end, it can not be accepted, but the continuation of the resistance until victory," Shahoz Hassan said, "The scene of the break of Kawa mourning statue stems from an established mindset and expresses the mindset of the deadly regimes that break under the blows of resistance."

He called on Kurdish political parties to unite and become one hand in the face of the attacks of Turkish occupation state, which aims to occupy the entire Kurdistan and not just promoted.

Hassan noted that the will of people and fighters in Afrin is stronger than the planes and weapons of Turkish state, because they are a militant people clinging to their land. "The people of Afrin are fighting on behalf of all the Syrian people against an occupying state."

Hassan said at the end of his speech that the resistance of Afrin victorious from the first moment and every fighter in Afrin will become Kawa Haddad this age.
