Turkish occupation and its mercenaries intensify their bombing villages in rural Manbij 

The Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries intensified their bombardment of the villages of Manbij canton in North and East Syria, with mortar and artillery shells.

Turkish occupation and its mercenaries intensify their bombing villages in rural Manbij 
2 May 2024   15:52

The Media Center of the Manbij Military Council reported that the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries are currently bombing the villages of al-Sayadah and al-Dandaniya in the northwestern countryside of Manbij canton, after the bombing focused on the villages of al-Daraj, Shamdan, and al-Qawkli in the northern and western countryside of the canton.

The bombing coincides with the continued bombing of the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries on the countryside of Afrin and al-Shahba canton.

T/ Satt.