Suleiman Ahmed's lawyer will review Iraqi Federal Court

Journalist Suleiman Ahmed's lawyer visited the Dohuk court several times in order to meet his client, but the Kurdistan Democratic Party's Asayish did not allow him to meet him despite the court's permission, so the lawyer will soon visit the Iraqi Federal Court.

Suleiman Ahmed's lawyer will review Iraqi Federal Court
14 February 2024   05:04

On the first of October 2023, journalist and editor of the Arabic section of Roj News Agency, Suleiman Ahmed, officially crossed into Rojava from the Fish Khabur border crossing, to visit his family in the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood in Aleppo, and on the 25th of the same month, journalist Suleiman Ahmed went to the Fish Khabour crossing to return to southern Kurdistan, but he was kidnapped by the Asayish of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Dohuk, and since then until now no information has been received about him.

Journalist Suleiman Ahmed's lawyer, Nariman Rashid Ahmed, spoke to ANHA agency about his kidnapping case and the legal efforts they are making on his behalf.

“They submitted a statement due to pressure, but they did not allow him to meet him.”

Lawyer Nariman Rashid Ahmed explained that they have been trying to reach Suleiman Ahmed and meet him since the beginning of his arrest until now. He pointed out that this is a legitimate right for them and for their client, and he highlighted the Iraqi laws and the laws of Southern Kurdistan, saying: “Lawyers can meet their clients 24 hours after their arrest, and we have obtained information that Suleiman Ahmed was detained by Asayish forces, but they always denied this, and as a result of our attempts and pressure from public opinion, they were forced to declare, ‘We are the ones who arrested Suleiman Ahmed.”

Violating the judge's decision

Nariman Ahmed mentioned that they went back to Asayish Dohuk again after this statement, to meet their client, but they were not allowed to do so again. He said: “Asayish Dohuk once again denied the presence of Suleiman Ahmed in their grip. We went to the Dohuk court twice, and both times the judge allowed us to meet our client Suleiman Ahmed, but the Asayish forces were disobeying this judge’s decision. According to Article 40 of the Iraqi Judicial Law, everyone must abide by the judge’s decision, but the Asayish did not allow us to meet him or represent him.”

"We will review the federal court."

“Under Article 19 of the Iraqi Constitution, every detainee has the right to appoint a lawyer to defend him,” lawyer Nariman Rashid Ahmed referred to this article, pointing out that the Dohuk Asayish and the Government of Southen Kurdistan openly violated their constitution, and stressed the continuation of their legal struggle in all ways and methods, and said: “It did not allow Asayish Dohuk and the Government of Southern Kurdistan have invited lawyers and various bodies to visit Suleiman Ahmed so far, and they always give us weak excuses such as “He is not here, the investigation has not finished yet,” so we will review the Iraqi Federal Court as soon as possible, and continue our legal efforts in all ways and forms.”

T/ Satt.