Message of solidarity from Rojava to Colemêrg

"We are with you, the uprising of any part of Kurdistan is our uprising," In this phrase, the women in Rojava sent a letter of confirmation to the popular resistance of the leadership of women in Colemêrg, Northern Kurdistan, against the policy of agents of the Turkish occupying state.

Message of solidarity from Rojava to Colemêrg
14 June 2024   04:10

For more than a week, the people of Southern Kurdistan have been sending women, elderly men, and young men to the squares to reject the takeovers of municipalities by the Turkish authorities, the arrest of their co-chairs and the appointment of agents in their place, as in the city of Colemêrg, the arrest of their co-chairs and the issuance of a prison sentence of 19 years and 6 months. 

This resistance is gaining broad popular support in Rojava, North and East Syria, as evidenced by the attitude of mothers who have confirmed their solidarity with the Colemêrg people. Hafiza Omar said that as Kurdish mothers and as women from Rojava, North and East Syria, they are consistent in their position in support of Colemêrg resistance to the birth of mothers.

She added that her support for the efforts of women in Northern Kurdistan and in the four parts of Kurdistan continued, and she stressed that "wherever there is a Kurdish, we will support it," stating that the uprising of women in the four parts of Kurdistan was not the product of the moment, but was based on a long history of resistance against power and dominance.

For her part, Samira saluted the struggle of women under extremely difficult circumstances and the pressure of the Turkish occupying state, affirming that their resistance was stronger than all the designs and conspiracies of the occupier. 

"All of us are with you and support your uprising, and we condemn the violations and crimes against you." In these words, Amina Saleh expressed her support for the popular protests in Colemêrg against the policies of the Turkish authorities' agents.

Amina said: "We are strong Kurdish women of our own will, determination, and self-reliance, and we affirm our support for mothers in Northern Kurdistan, especially those in Colemêrg."
