Iraqi researcher explains violations of his country's sovereignty, their repercussions

An Iraqi researcher reiterates Turkey's violation of his country's sovereignty due to the complicity of the authorities of Southern Kurdistan, and the positions of the federal government in the country, stressing that it is no different from America's violation of Iraq's sovereignty, warning of its repercussions on Iraqi national and national security.

Iraqi researcher explains violations of his country's sovereignty, their repercussions
12 February 2024   07:02

Acting Speaker of the Iraqi House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, called during a session held by Parliament on Saturday, February 10, to deliberate on the repeated American bombing of Iraq, to “implement House of Representatives Resolution No. (18) of 2020, related to the removal of foreign forces and the end of their duties in Iraq, based on developments.” Iraqi security capabilities.

Parliament had decided to hold its session to deliberate on the repeated American bombing of Iraq, the most recent of which occurred last Wednesday and led to the killing of the leader of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Baqir al-Saadi, east of Baghdad.

In this regard, the Iraqi researcher at the Target Center for Research and Strategic Studies, Muayyad Al-Ali, said that today “public and political demands are increasing regarding the necessity of putting an end to the presence of American forces under the framework of the international coalition to combat ISIS, which came to Iraq in 2014.”

The Iraqi researcher saw that "all pretexts and reasons for the coalition's existence have ended, given that Iraq now has a security system capable of preserving the security and sovereignty of Iraq, and therefore all reasons for the presence of American forces have ended."

The researcher pointed out that "the American forces began to violate Iraqi sovereignty, after the assassination of the leaders of the Popular Mobilization Forces, as well as the bombing of security sites belonging to the Iraqi government, and this matter increased popular and official discontent against the American presence, so voices rose on the need for these forces to leave through negotiations and discussions."

Al-Ali added, "There is a movement in the Iraqi parliament to pass a law, not a decision, for the withdrawal of foreign forces, including American forces, and thus it will be binding on the Iraqi government."

Regarding the Turkish violations of Iraqi sovereignty, the researcher pointed out that “the Turkish side is carrying out operations in Iraq under the pretext of fighting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. Turkey wants to use this as a pretext to settle its scores with the parties that oppose it, politically or otherwise, on Iraqi territory, and to occupy it,” considering that it “affects sovereignty of Iraq,” and considered it a violation of the country’s sovereignty and “the sanctity and blood of Iraqis.”

This is due to the silence and complicity of the authorities of southern Kurdistan, the weak positions of the federal government, and the American green light.

The Iraqi researcher confirmed that the law that Parliament is supposed to legislate "will not be limited to American forces, but will also include Turkish forces, because it is unacceptable for there to be a contradiction in approving a law that removes American forces and does not include Turkish forces."

The Iraqi researcher warned of the repercussions of the reality of violating Iraq's sovereignty on the future of the country, saying: "The Turkish interventions in northern Iraq are certainly with an American green light, and with the complicity of the Kurdistan region's authorities, which is unacceptable because it will have impacts on Iraqi national and regional security."

T/ Satt.