Damascus govt's siege of Shahba, Aleppo neighborhoods is incompatible with international norms

Jurists considered the severe siege imposed by Damascus Government on Afrin and al-Shahab cantons, as well as neighborhoods in Aleppo city is incompatible with the international laws and norms, confirming the necessity to communicate with international and human rights organizations active in humanitarian activity to take overall responsibility in lifting siege on besieged areas.

Damascus govt's siege of Shahba, Aleppo neighborhoods is incompatible with international norms
13 January 2024   04:01

Unimaginable suffering since the beginning of the Syrian crisis the Syrians are witnessing, not to mention the siege imposed on some areas by the Damascus government on the one hand and the Turkish occupation on the other.

The Damascus government imposes a siege on Afrin and al-Shahba cantons, and the Sheikh Maqsoud and Ashrafieh neighborhoods in Aleppo, and prevents the entry of basic living materials into them, coinciding with Turkish ground and air bombardment on those areas.

In his legal description of the imposed siege, the Syrian human rights activist, Musa al-Ibrahim, confirms that the existing siege is contrary to the laws and conventions related to United Nations human rights, and he said: “Any siege of any region, whatever it is, is contrary to international laws and conventions, and it is not permissible to prevent anyone from obtaining the most basic necessities of life. Because the blockade, whether economic or military, partial or total, is a serious violation of human rights, such as preventing the entry of food, medicine, goods, and fuel, which leads to the interruption of electricity, water, and communications.”

The siege imposed since Turkey and its mercenaries occupied Afrin in 2018, and the arrival of those displaced from it to the areas of al-Shahba, Sheikh Maqsoud and Ashrafieh neighborhoods, has so far paralyzed the health, service and educational sectors, and many times they have also stopped.

The 4-year-old girl, Suzdar Hassan, also died of a cold in the second week of last December.

With an almost complete depletion of fuel, in the same week, public and private transportation was paralyzed, causing thousands of teachers and students to be unable to reach their schools. At the same time, it also led to the cessation of diesel generators, which led to a complete power outage for residents of Afrin and al-Shahba canton.

The repercussions of the siege did not only affect the health and educational levels, but also affected bakeries.

He agrees with his predecessor in describing the current siege. The lawyer, Khaled al-Abdullah, sees in the siege of the Damascus government the continued imposition of the siege on the Syrian people and an integral part of the international policy targeting the Syrians, due to the stifling siege imposed by the countries on the entire Syrian people.

He said: “The Syrian crisis has been going on for more than eleven years, and the Syrian people are suffering from living difficulties in all its aspects due to the siege imposed on them by various international and regional parties, and this is a continuation of that siege on the Syrians.”

Al-Abdullah noted, among the repercussions of the siege on the lives of residents of the areas besieged by Damascus government forces, “The siege leads to the prevention of financial circulation between the besieged areas, which affects the needs of the local market, causing difficulty in work and high unemployment, and thus leads to the displacement or emigration of a large number of young people and residents of these neighborhoods to other countries.”

He pointed out what must be done on the human rights side to push towards lifting the siege on Afrin and al-Shahba cantons, and the Sheikh Maqsoud and Ashrafieh neighborhoods, saying: “We - jurists in North and East Syria - must communicate with international and human rights organizations active in humanitarian activity in order to find solutions to facilitate the entry of Aid, health, service and living materials, finding solutions to the siege, and alleviating the suffering of the Syrian people with all sects.”

T/ Satt.