Armed men launch an attack on a police station in Çemçemal

Armed men launched an attack on a police station in Çemçemald istrict in Sulaymaniyah, wounding three people.

Armed men launch an attack on a police station in Çemçemal
29 Decemberember 2023   18:37

This evening, unidentified gunmen attacked an anti-crime police station in Çemçemald istrict in Sulaymaniyah, wounding 3 people.

ÇemçemalH ealth Spokesman Sharif Rahim, according to what was reported by Roj News Agency, provided information about the wounded, and confirmed that 3 wounded were transferred to ÇemçemalH ospital, and the three’s injuries were minor.

However, until now, the General Administration of Sulaymaniyah Police has not issued any statement about the attack, and the reason for the attack remains unknown.

T/ Satt.