Isolation imposed against Ocalan violates international standards

Lawyers from the city of Raqqa explained that the isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan violates all international laws and regulations signed by the Turkish occupation state, and that it is a political decision that has no connection to the law and is not subject to any article of the law.

Isolation imposed against Ocalan violates international standards
30 Decemberember 2023   00:25

ANHA agency interviewed with a member of the Bar Association in the city of Raqqa, Hassan Al-Mulla, to talk about the isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah Ocalan. He said: “Since the 1990s, a conspiracy was hatched against Leader Abdullah Ocalan, and he was kidnapped and imprisoned by the Turkish occupation authorities illegally, and all the measures taken against him.” From his kidnapping to the isolation imposed on him, all of it is illegal.”

He stated, "Preventing Leader Abdullah Ocalan from meeting with his lawyer and family, and all measures taken against him, is an appeal to international law and regulations."

He added, "Leader Abdullah Ocalan is a political thinker, and political prisoners have special treatment in all international systems and have the right to communicate directly with lawyers and families, but Turkey deprives him of this right."

He stressed, "We, the lawyers in North and East Syria, must continue to provide data, and draw the attention of international powers and human rights organizations to the violations that leader Abdullah Ocalan is being subjected to in Imrali."

For his part, Abdullah Al-Erian, a member of the Lawyers Union in the city of Raqqa, said: “Every detainee or prisoner has the right to be treated well, to live in a good and healthy place, and to communicate with his defense team, but the Turkish occupation state does not provide him with the simplest means of life and prevents to visit him.

He stressed, "According to international laws and regulations, every prisoner has the right to meet his family, relatives, and lawyers at least once a month, but Turkey imposes strict isolation on leader Abdullah Ocalan, and this is a violation of laws and human rights."

He stated, “Every country that wants to impose isolation on someone must take this measure clearly and publicly in front of everyone, with reasonable reasons, and for a limited period of time. This is what all international laws stipulate, including the Turkish state law, but Erdogan violates these laws and the isolation imposed on Leader Abdullah is a decision.” A single politician who has no connection to the law and is not subject to any article of the law.”

T/ Satt.