​​​​​​​Politicians: Goal of the Turkish attacks is to eradicate the ideology of AANES

Politicians from NE, Syria considered the attacks of the Turkish occupation state a cowardly act aimed at eradicating the idea of AANES, amid people’s refusal to surrender and abandon the existing AANES' model.

​​​​​​​Politicians: Goal of the Turkish attacks is to eradicate the ideology of AANES
13 Decemberember 2023   01:10

Reactions from the political, social and cultural circles against the ongoing Turkish occupation army attacks on NE, Syria have continued since October 4, targeting populated areas, vital centers and infrastructure.

A member of the Kurdish Left Party in Syria, Mahmoud Bozan, commented from the city of Raqqa on these attacks, asking: “How can a gas plant, power plant, school, or hospital harm Turkey? Do they pose a threat to its national security?”

He also asked, "Turkey targets defenseless civilians, women and children, bombs them and kills them. Do they pose a threat to it?"

He explained that what the Turkish authorities are doing in our regions and what Bozan said is “supporting terrorism and trying to revive ISIS again.”

He concluded, "Erdogan thinks that by cutting off our electricity, we will give up our land, but he does not know that we will live for a hundred years without electricity and the simplest necessities of life, and we will not give up a single inch of our land."

“More political than military aggression.”

A member of the Modernity and Democracy Party of Syria, Mohammad Qassim, explained that the Turkish occupation attacks are “more political than military aggression because its primary goal is to kill the idea of AANES and decentralized governance, because decentralized governance is based on the rule of the people themselves.”

Qassim pointed out that "the Turkish aggression and Erdogan are the largest supporters of terrorism in the world and the areas controlled by the Turkish army are the largest reservoir of terrorists throughout the world. He attracted them and brought them to train them and implement his terrorist plans."

He stressed, "The goal of the Turkish occupation and Erdogan in these attacks is to destabilize the security and stability of the region and to displace and evacuate the areas of their residents to implement his projects and restore the glories of his Ottoman ancestors."

The goal is to empower mercenaries

The co-chair of the Future Syria Party in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor, Yahya Al-Ali, condemned the Turkish occupation attacks and said that they reflect a "cowardly act."

Al-Ali explained, "The main goal of these attacks is to pave the way for terrorist mercenaries and enable them to control the region."

“We will not allow external threats to weaken us.”

The resistance citizens in NE, Syria refuse to surrender and abandon the model of AANES, as Ahmed Al-Jassem, a resident of the town of Hajin in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor, affirmed, “We will not surrender in the face of these brutal attacks, and we will remain ready to defend ourselves and our country. We are determined to unite our ranks and face these challenges with strength and fortitude.”

He stressed the adoption of the People's Revolutionary War "to defend our rights and protect our security, and we will not allow external threats to divide us or weaken our will. We will remain strong and steadfast in the face of challenges and will continue to struggle in the spirit of revolution and steadfastness."

T/ Satt.